
1- Got a near perfect circular scar right below my knee with a good size dent in it from falling on a rock/pebble when I was riding my scooter when I was younger. 2- 1 inch long scar on my arm from falling into a bookcase corner.
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I burnt myself whilst making apple pie ^^ And because of how hot the oven was, it scarred.

Stupid- I know,, but I actually have a small nick in my forehead from being hit with a rock or a woodchip. That by itself isn't so bad but it's solely because I stood too close to my grandmother when she was whacking the weeds and something flew up. :')

I have one on my leg from when i got trapped under a motorbike exhaust since i crashed into some rocks

i have a few stories i dont know if you will find them boring or not but lets give it a go, aye. 1. I was young in primary school and tall for my age I had played basketball for 5 years asking to join a state team every year in my final year my kneecaps didn't sit correctly on my knees so I had surgery on both of them to cut my tendons in half so they would sort my knees out. 2. i was bullied really bad in high school and it was to the point my organs almost shut down and I had terrible pains in my stomach to this day they don't know what pains they are or what causes them as I still get them today but they cut me open to take out my appendix. 3. i recently had a ball of nerves removed from my middle finger on my right hand going under for surgery it was growing off my tendon and causing me some pretty nasty pain. its currently a 3 to 6 month recovery with hand therapy to get it back to normal. 4 here is just a list of things that I have gotten scars from. - cat - dogs - iron - hot pan - star picket - wire - and countless other things haha

Well I have many scars but I have no clue where from but the one I remember is the one when my brother who is older was playing with his friend with an exercise ball then he decided to throw it at me snd my head went back Into the wall. It made a huge dent in the wall but I only got a little scar in my head. I punched him many places so he regretted it. I haunt my brother with that moment... Lmao yep not as interesting as some but it is funny I guess oh yes I have a scar on my arm from my cat I have now. He likes to bite, scratch and aim for your neck if you annoy him and yes because I am stupid still I annoy him. Edited at June 5, 2021 04:34 AM by Pastry Lord

Twisting Ruins said: Okay so um...I actually have a scar just above the bridge of my nose from 10ish years ago. I was 5 or 6 and my stepsister at the time (No longer, thankfully) and I wee playing with dolls, as some little girls do. Well, I accidentially touched her doll so she uh...she tackled me and bit my forehead and I still have the scar XD
Aggressive Lmao you ok?

I don't have any bad scars, but I do have some fun stories for those that I have :) . 1. My brother and I were fighting with wooden blocks (these elongated cylinder looking things?? I don't know, we used em as swords). He bashed me over the head with the block, and I had to get the cut glued together (my mom wasn't feeling heading to the hospital for stitches, so. Gorilla glue.) Psa: unsupervised children with wooden blocks is a terrible idea. . 2. got yoinked off a horse in a field and fell down the pasture hill, still have some faint scars on my arm (fading, though). . 3. Lighter scarred patches on my knees from constant turf burn/scrapes.* Manage to reinjure them every game or so, so the scars just never heal. * you know, turf. Whenever you fall on it, the little black bits and plastic grass are not fun, and get stuck in the scrapes themselves. But they're never actually bad wounds, (especially compared to you all - reading through these, y'all have been through a lot, jeez.) Edited at June 5, 2021 04:55 AM by Boundless

Nix said: I burnt myself whilst making apple pie ^^ And because of how hot the oven was, it scarred.
I have a scar from something similar to this, i was cooking something on the stove and i reached for the pan on the back burner and the pan from the front burner touched burned and left a scar on my arm The rest of my scars i dont even remember their stories for the most part

I attempted to do a "triple dipple kipple mushroom backflip" off my bike. Didnt go so well. Now I have a scar running from my foot all the way to my chest. Yeahhhh.... Dont even ask about the name of the flip. I was 12, ok? xD