

Imma tell you cataracsts It's mainly just anatomy i don't really have anything else you know I love your art also kinda consistency? while it's obvious it's your art style while looking at your art, somethings just vary between your pieces thats all goodbye

Alright, first of all, I love your style! It's very satisfying to look at, and your fur is very good! I really like the colors, some artists are a little excessive in how saturated their colors are, but these are good, they don't hurt my eyes! Ok, time for some critisism! First: I think the eyes of your characters feel a little... well, dead. I think they would benefit from some sharper specular highlights. It wouldn't hurt to add a little more detail to the fur, but I think it's fine either way. I noticed on the second image you posted that the white fur is obscuring part of one of your characters eyes, and it looks a little bit off, probably because the shape of one of the fur clumps matches the shape of the eye just a little too closely. Overall, though, I think everything looks great! Keep making art man, you're really talented! Edited at November 6, 2021 03:27 PM by Eternal Calamity

swaggyrollie said: Imma tell you cataracsts It's mainly just anatomy i don't really have anything else you know I love your art also kinda consistency? while it's obvious it's your art style while looking at your art, somethings just vary between your pieces thats all goodbye
i know my style varies a lot :sob: literallyc ryign but its mostly just level of effort tbh Eternal Calamity said: Alright, first of all, I love your style! It's very satisfying to look at, and your fur is very good! I really like the colors, some artists are a little excessive in how saturated their colors are, but these are good, they don't hurt my eyes! Ok, time for some critisism! First: I think the eyes of your characters feel a little... well, dead. I think they would benefit from some sharper specular highlights. It wouldn't hurt to add a little more detail to the fur, but I think it's fine either way. I noticed on the second image you posted that the white fur is obscuring part of one of your characters eyes, and it looks a little bit off, probably because the shape of one of the fur clumps matches the shape of the eye just a little too closely. Overall, though, I think everything looks great! Keep making art man, you're really talented!
thank you for teh critique! this one actually helped so much! i have been thinking my eyes have looked off for quite a while so i'll try the highlights! as well as for the eye-fur thing, i was struggling drawing the second eye for so long so i kind of just covered it up xD
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donnt cyr pls ill cry roo and then we are all crying

swaggyrollie said: donnt cyr pls ill cry roo and then we are all crying
communal tears
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new oc (they aren't new at this point)
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