
Forum Moderator Darkseeker
Awesome, alright. I'll be sending 6 palettes then :0 They'll be titled 'Min W' = Minimalist white, 'Min GB' = Minimalist grey/black and 'Min B' = Minimalist black. The greyscale versions will also say 'grey' on them. :D

I'd like to purchase a minimalist palette! Pack Number: 303499 Colour: Grey/black Spin Effect: Yes Greyscale Effect: Yes Anything else?: Nope

Edited at October 13, 2024 08:51 AM by Noquisi

Forum Moderator Darkseeker
Noquisi said: I'd like to purchase a minimalist palette! Pack Number: 303499 Colour: Grey/black Spin Effect: Yes Greyscale Effect: Yes Anything else?: Nope
Oh my god, I'm so sorry for the late response. I will get this sent to you now!

Eternity said: Oh my god, I'm so sorry for the late response. I will get this sent to you now!
No big deal. I was half expecting no response because this topic is really old Is it alright if I pay an apple and 500 mush? I don't have a full 1500 mushies 😅

Forum Moderator Darkseeker
Noquisi said: Eternity said: Oh my god, I'm so sorry for the late response. I will get this sent to you now!
No big deal. I was half expecting no response because this topic is really old Is it alright if I pay an apple and 500 mush? I don't have a full 1500 mushies 😅
Oh, of course! That works just fine! * ^* If I ever forget to respond, please just shoot me a DM haha, sometimes I just haven't seen it.
I will resend the request for 500 mush, and if you could just shoot over an apple that'd be perfect

I'd like to purchase a minimalist palette! Pack Number: 305860 Colour: Grey black Spin Effect: Yes Greyscale Effect: No Anything else?: I will pay 1500 mush

Forum Moderator Darkseeker
The NightClan said: I'd like to purchase a minimalist palette! Pack Number: 305860 Colour: Grey black Spin Effect: Yes Greyscale Effect: No Anything else?: I will pay 1500 mush
Awesome! I will get a transfer set up for you!

Forum Moderator Darkseeker
I'll get working on fixing these later this week in light of the new updates :0

Boop, - I'd like to purchase a minimalist palette! Pack Number: 318301 Colour: Black Spin Effect: No Greyscale Effect: No Anything else?: I cannot stand my palette searing my eyes, thank you - Also, take your time with fixing palettes for the update, I'm cool with waiting.