
I do have something pending with Broken Rivers, just waiting for their reply I mean... it's a pretty complicated idea so far, and I'm content to let it simply develop through RP, but then I do like some of the ideas; ~ - Questions are raised about the legitimacy of the new alpha. After all, it's been proven in history that when some ruler is unpopular, rumors start flying about things such as their lineage, and how they gained power through... malicious means. - The anti-female Alpha members are slowly gaining traction. Dissent and discontent is slowly brewing through the pack as the dissenters make their voice heard, too many for the alpha to subdue all of them. (Maybe make an example of one or two of them, and see what happens?) - Lines are drawn, alliances made and cut, with the ultimate look at the alpha female - is she up to the job? Initial suporters begin to question her as she goes through her reign, and initial dissenters switch after examples are being made - what happens after that? ~ These are just some of my ideas how we can aim through things, if it helps ^^
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I'm liking the idea of making an example of a wolf at the beginning. It allows us to have a base off which to RP the anti-sentiment, and for the pack to take sides off as some support it and some say no. It's more than just her becoming leader, it can even get a bit personal now. (Edit - Post#100 lol) Edited at June 9, 2024 06:35 PM by Boeing
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Well it can happen the day of the ceremony. After her swearing her allegiance to the Druids and someone making an outburst?

Also, I would like everyone to know. The weekends are my less activity on roleplaying. It's my time to spend with my boyfriend since he works 12 hours shifts on the weekdays. So I like my weekends with him. Even though we live together it's hard to see and be with him on the weekdays with our work schedules.

I'm gonna make a new Character!

Bison Peak said: I'm gonna make a new Character!
Looking forward to it!

Hi... did I miss anything?

Broken Rivers said: Hi... did I miss anything?
People giving me ideas for plots. And me putting the plots and alpha and beta ceremony in the front page.

I'll also go ahead and say that even though my posts are long and detailed, I'm not the fastest poster. I work two jobs, have a book coming out, and work a third freelance job that sucks out a lot of free time. Not to mention, I also have a boyfriend who needs attention too. I post at least once a day, though!

lol. Boyfriends need attention too cracked me up. but I understand. I may post on the roleplay thread and discussion of everyone's activity level throughout the week Rain Reign said: I'll also go ahead and say that even though my posts are long and detailed, I'm not the fastest poster. I work two jobs, have a book coming out, and work a third freelance job that sucks out a lot of free time. Not to mention, I also have a boyfriend who needs attention too. I post at least once a day, though!
Edited at June 9, 2024 07:11 PM by Nirvana_Sky