
True. Or we could do both. Devil town said: or we could adverttise more Moonstar said: Maybe you could allow everyone to have a fourth character? Devil town said: sure that would be great is you don't mind. unfortunately my characters are second, third years and a teacher. What happened to all the first years is my question Appalachian Entity said: Lmao, I don't know. Never been able to successfully revive a rp before. I mean, I could make a first year, I have a couple characters that I could put in that role (Including Vince's son)

Whatever year you need him in, I'll make him Devil town said: sure that would be great is you don't mind. unfortunately my characters are second, third years and a teacher. What happened to all the first years is my question Appalachian Entity said: Lmao, I don't know. Never been able to successfully revive a rp before. I mean, I could make a first year, I have a couple characters that I could put in that role (Including Vince's son)
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a first year would be good ^^ Appalachian Entity said: Whatever year you need him in, I'll make him Devil town said: sure that would be great is you don't mind. unfortunately my characters are second, third years and a teacher. What happened to all the first years is my question Appalachian Entity said: Lmao, I don't know. Never been able to successfully revive a rp before. I mean, I could make a first year, I have a couple characters that I could put in that role (Including Vince's son)

Heh, heh, heh.... and YOU GUYS told me holding them at gunpoint wouldn't work... >:) We now have 2 new sign-ups!

Hello! Any character need a friend. I am looking for a few afflictions while I read what has already happened. Afflictions can inculude rival.

Time table Breakfast: 8-10am class one 10-12pm lunch 12-1pm class two 1-3pm class three 3-4pm class four 4-5pm free time 5-7pm dinner 7-9pm lights out 10pm - First years class one: Miss Laura. Abilities 101 class two: Reaper. cience/Maths/Anatomy/Battle Class three: Mr Vince. History class four: Miss Laura. Gliding - Second years. class one: Mr Vince. History class two: Miss Laura. Abilities 101 class three: Reaper. Science/Math/Anatomy/Battle class four: Miss Laura. Gliding - Third years class one: Reaper. Science/Maths/Anatomy/Battle class two: Mr Vince. History class three: Miss Laura. Abilities 101 class four: Miss Laura. Gliding - - - (For those who are looking for the Timetable)

waitwaitwait... is it already lunchtime? I thought we were like,maybe half an hour in...or something... *visible confusion*


yeah i mean. no one was rping and i was bored, and i just time skipped because i was bored and pretty sure everyone was bored Embershed said: waitwaitwait... is it already lunchtime? I thought we were like,maybe half an hour in...or something... *visible confusion*

T_T ok We'll jut pretend stuff happened for Reaper's class, k? My original plan was that they all pair up and spar, so they could see the skill level of each of them, and decide whereabouts the class level was at. Can we just pretend that happened?