
Argos said: Nox said: Not sure what the deal is with it, I just wanted things to be pretty lmao. I'm working on another Templar guy, and then I've reached my limits for the moment lmao. This guy is going to be an asshole. I wanted a brutish Templar to really raise tensions.
YESSSSS I love this guys whole purpose also... aside your fellow do we have our entire templar team complete? We need an asshole character in the mix haha

I around have worked on Aurora but I was exhausted after work.

I'll check it out! I'm working on the first post, but I'm really out of it myself. I just wanted to get something written awhile, but this is a leisurely roleplay, so no rush for anyone to get things written up. :)


Like I mentioned previously, I've got my wisdom teeth surgery deal tomorrow, so I may be away for a few days. I hope you guys have a great rest of your week. <3

Don't worry (if you are) about the surgery. It's not as bad as the thought of it. My advice is just don't be afraid to talk (once it's fine for you, of course) and buy ice cream.

Aaaah, all of the stress for nothing. :') I already had a consultation but they did another consultation again today and didn't mention it? So I showed up and they gave me paperwork for the surgery after I followed there regime of not eating or drinking 12 hours beforehand. Panicked all morning for nothing 🥲😭

Now it's officially on for December 9th, but I have a colon problem that I may need to get inspected beforehand with may push it back yet again. 😭


Nox That sucks! Sorry to hear that!