
Reminder to myself: Naith, Vae, Syl in that order. I'll get to cracking out some posts posssibly tomorrow, and it'll be after I finish this knitted beanie project. Edited at October 31, 2024 08:33 AM by Sanania

I'll be posting Saro tonight! Eryndor will be posted hopefully tonight too, dudes just gonna beepbop around @Urux, I think Elariel is kinda waiting for a response from Catori? But also doesn't have to!

Tene and I actually chatted about something similar so we could throw this in as well. I'll check in w her about this! ^^ High Hills Pack said: All good. I've been busy myself so I haven't been able ta respond for a bit. ^^' However, my idea for her ties in with Mother's suggestion of the trials effecting the clans. I was thinking that some of the initial "shifts" for these could be quite suttle - at least at first - so most of the clan wouldn't be able ta pick up on it right away. Ravae, however, being more observant than she lets on (when not being an airhead) could be one of the few ta notice these changes and may try and warn the others about this. For example, if being in the desert causes a heatwave Ravae could notice an incredibly minute change in the air as well as it steadily increasing in temperature before most others. Perhaps her observance could be what caused her ta be chosen as the present shaman or part of the reason, so it begins ta feel less like some random choice ta the other characters. Also, it'll give me an excuse ta write her more superstitious side. XD The Bewitched said: Def didn't mean to skip over this! We'd love to hear it!! High Hills Pack said: Finally didn't fall asleep at my computer while writing Ravae's post. ^^' Also, I had a thought for a plot point with her that could possibly tie in with her promotion. It's not much but I'm thinking about it.

My bad for such a delay in posting! I'll be working on Vae and Syl today. So they should be out sometimes officially for real life tonight --- Syl will be up tomorrow >x< Edited at November 3, 2024 08:41 PM by Sanania

Hello Friends, so sorry for my absence. My auntie had a pretty bad stroke and we've been taking care of her / visiting her since the incident so my presences has been lacking - she's still in ICU but stable . I should be able to get some posts out soon. So sorry for those waiting.

Yikes, everybody's having health surprises lately. I was out of commission for a bit, but I'm getting better, so hopefully I'll be able to throw my guys up here soon. Prayers for your aunt, Spelly 🙏

Hi <3 I'll be working on a Cyrus and Akith post tomorrow - evening game time today. I have a few things on but should manage to get both of them out. Fingers crossed.
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It's me saying I'll be posting Syl and then forgetting ;; so so sorry for those waiting on my post.
I've been battling morning sickness the past few weeks and juggling work. My next set of days off is Friday (11/15) and Saturday (11/16) I work the 17-19 and then have a good long stretch off so if I don't get to Syl this weekend I promise she will definitely get posted by Nov 20 at the latest.

I'll see if I can't get a post out tomorrow. I'm still attempting ta catch up on everything I missed from college while out sick (the labs are giving me some trouble) so no promises.
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I'll be posting Elariel by tomorrow!! Edited at November 21, 2024 07:14 PM by The Bewitched