
I'm planning to get a Naith post out this evening. I think Vae is on hold and Syl as well (I may tweak Syl's post momentarily to include her covered in mud and what not).

I will be posting Aelion today or tomorrow (aiming for today)!

;w; uh I will likely get Syl out on one of my next days off (Fri/Sat this weekend).

No rush! What I like about this RP is that it's more of a "post when you can" vibe. Definitely a more leisurely pace because life is busy!

I'll get a Catori out sometime today or tomorrow so that Elariel and Naith can potter on with their lives haha.
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All good. I've been busy myself so I haven't been able ta respond for a bit. ^^' However, my idea for her ties in with Mother's suggestion of the trials effecting the clans. I was thinking that some of the initial "shifts" for these could be quite suttle - at least at first - so most of the clan wouldn't be able ta pick up on it right away. Ravae, however, being more observant than she lets on (when not being an airhead) could be one of the few ta notice these changes and may try and warn the others about this. For example, if being in the desert causes a heatwave Ravae could notice an incredibly minute change in the air as well as it steadily increasing in temperature before most others. Perhaps her observance could be what caused her ta be chosen as the present shaman or part of the reason, so it begins ta feel less like some random choice ta the other characters. Also, it'll give me an excuse ta write her more superstitious side. XD The Bewitched said: Def didn't mean to skip over this! We'd love to hear it!! High Hills Pack said: Finally didn't fall asleep at my computer while writing Ravae's post. ^^' Also, I had a thought for a plot point with her that could possibly tie in with her promotion. It's not much but I'm thinking about it.
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If I don't get to posting today I will definitely get something up by Thursday of this upcoming week.~

I'm so sorry y'all. I was planning on getting a Merrick post out yesterday but I think I've developed pink eye. I'll a post out when I can, but it take me a little bit. It's difficult ta look at a black and white screen for more than a few minutes without it burning even more than it already is.
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No worries guys! Take your time and post when you can, there's no rush at all :)

I have a dreadful feeling that someone is waiting on a post from one of my lot. So please let me know if that is the case haha. I am in exams right now, but I need ten minutes every now and then to not think about it so I can work on replies as my free time breaks lol.
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