
Secret Keepers said: Ah yes. I too forgot. Had me thinking like, there were guns in the 1950s. Perhaps it could be a fancy bow or something! There were

Bobcat Yeah but the setting that Zera wrote said no guns >.>
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Ah yes. Sily me. Let me go and steal my brain back from my orange cat.

XD see that's where I was Bobcat. "But I could have sworn... Oh yeah!" I will reply to rp later today.


XDD I honestly thought you were joking around because I hadn't really seen the reply before I had to head to work today. It didn't even occur to my bird brain that it was legit-- but yes. So, this world is 1950s era-esque but it's not Earth. It's a different world of which I have yet to name... so the places, cities, etc. won't be anything like earth! Feel free to come up with names and such that sound cool!
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Darmich (Dar-mi-ch) Noxlainum (Nox-lain-umm) Xandera (Zan-der-a) Htrae (Earth spelt backwards)

Nope, sorry Nolian you're not getting a gun XD You can have a shiny knife if you want though. All gun references have been removed lol Poor guy's aim with a bow needs work ... Actually I think Melie can outfly some arrows. That's interesting The top speed of Melie would be 300 km/h, and arrows fly from between 150-200 mph The conversion rate is about 1.6 so in theory Melie can outfly some arrows - but only briefly. Huh.
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XDD works for me! I'll wait for a couple others before I throw in another response on my end.
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I'm thinking the Safe Haven might be called something as a code name that they have to decipher along the way.
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