
Sorry for the hold up. My mom keeps taking me to go on errands with her, so I've been busy the last few days. <3

you're good :> looking forward to your post tho :DD Cereal said: Sorry for the hold up. My mom keeps taking me to go on errands with her, so I've been busy the last few days. <3

A Basil update has been made. Enjoy.

Cereal said: A Basil update has been made. Enjoy.
I feel like the embodiment of anxiety [Basil] and the embodiment of depression [Mir] would get along well T^T

Those two having awkward interactions with each other. Basil would be so afraid that he's bugging Mir poorly and everything. Nochnoy said: Cereal said: A Basil update has been made. Enjoy.
I feel like the embodiment of anxiety [Basil] and the embodiment of depression [Mir] would get along well T^T



The Tea Drinkers said: is spell next?
It's okay, Sunny. We know you wanna go lmao

i wanna know if Val is gonna be fun to write for 😔

The Tea Drinkers said: i wanna know if Val is gonna be fun to write for 😔
I'm sure he will be. I'd assume any character you make would be fun to write for :3