
Bobcat said: Procrastination has taken hold. And it's grip is tight.
Absolutely ^-^ Lena could use someone to play with if you'd like! She did interact with your character in my last post. Or Nove can simply brush that off and go about her day considering her stern appearing nature.

The reply looks fantastic! I'll wait for others to post before throwing my two in again!
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never mind. I got bored and impatient. That's not a surprise.
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I'm trying my best to leave some time and check to see if all have been online before I post. I suppose they can jump in whenever they like or can.

That's my thing. If nothing else, Jasper just becomes a he's there now bc he had a pairing but something happened if no one else posts and it just becomes us three. That's totally fine with me.
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Same lol Bobcat said: Procrastination has taken hold. And it's grip is tight.

My post is finally done Nolian may or may not acquire a shiny shotgun later. Honestly if it's making my character too OP I'll drop it but it'd be quite funny if I did it
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XD Jasper will gladly take the gun but Nolian is def going to run back the way they came.
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Okay shet I just realized guns aren't meant to be a thing oops Ahould I change it
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Ah yes. I too forgot. Had me thinking like, there were guns in the 1950s. Perhaps it could be a fancy bow or something!