
Alrighty, I'll contact the players and see if we can get things going in the next 3 or 5 days.

Sadly Tonneo hasn't been seen since Late March.

Jeez- I'll see if we can get Tonne back but in the mean time I'll find a couple more players. If Tonne doesn't show I can make a burial event.

Then when Tonne comes back to see that their Character has been buried O.O

Maybe I'll have a zomie sequel! Lol

Kinstil Pt.2: Return of Bhiahra. Previuosly on Kinstil Bhiahra was killed and had to be buried. But now, Bhiahra comes back from the Dead in the all new Sequel.... Kinstil 2: Return of Bhiahra!


The green oozed behind her as she remember her "so called" friends. "How dare they leave me to die!" she thought. Tracking them down one by one. First was Augustus. He was always the troublemaker, if he wasn't always goofing off then I could've had a chance at survival...

"AUGUSTUS!-" But Oolga was too late for her friend was already gone at this point.. Heh- fun fact I was originally gonna make a zombie apocalypse rp instead of kinstil, I still m ight make it!

If we finish Kinstil we could actually make this the sequel :D The Night Walker said: "AUGUSTUS!-" But Oolga was too late for her friend was already gone at this point.. Heh- fun fact I was originally gonna make a zombie apocalypse rp instead of kinstil, I still m ight make it!