
Thoughts on the name Winona for my female character?

Also note I changed her name that sounded less of a mouthful

Winona is good, and yeah, she can certainly be a friend! (By the way, he's still open to other friendships.) - And I really like the drama there already between Peter and Emera. Family drama is always so good *evil snickering*

Phew. Finally done with my apostate mage! I'll get to work on my bounty templar character tomorrow. ^^

Almost done with my templar! He just needs an appearance.

You guys are the best! How's everyone doing? Anyone do any Black Friday shopping? I'm mega tired tonight, I feel sleep deprived haha. I'll get the roleplay thread up and active soon. :)

I'm okay, actually about to log off, eat ice cream and watch Friends. I did go out today, but because I'm very tight with money, I bought nothing but a lemonade and a brownie. Food's important. - Oh wow, we're starting so soon!! Yay! I'm so excited for the bounty templars! Also was thinking that if we don't get enough folks to be in the circle, we could just have it be bounty templars and apostate mages. (also definitely understand the sleep deprivation, I was there not long ago)

Heyo! I'm doing alright. lol. Enjoying my day off work. Can't wait for the rp to start!

I'm gonna finish Esmeras personality and appearance today.

Working on finishing Win up today as well <3 . Argos, I LOVE Friends! I have been hankering to watch it again but I don't have anything that streams it. :') Brownie and lemonade sounds like a horrible concoction but also both are great things so 10/10 black Friday purchases.