
Zera I have no idea. XD Probably? Mayhaps? I don't know lol
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Spitting ideas (I'm not the best at this): The Reaper's(if it is the name of a group) leader could possibly have a whole plan/system to collect all power for themselves. Maybe they have scouts, spies, guards and soldiers to play for them. The scouts find a suspected target, the spies go undercover to gather more intel and they go from there. Perhaps any towns our group come across are riddled with guards enforcing new rules and curfews in order to track any citizen they can. Sort of a nobody goes in and nobody goes out without being cleared kind of thing. That would then limit resources and force our characters to either skip past, sneak in, or interact (be it peacefully or forcefully) with the enemy.

The Reaper Group definitely does have a lot of influence in government positions as well, considering the corruption and the lure for power. So there will be a lot of guards, there will be spies, officers, etc. of that sort for sure! It might be beneficial to make sure you know how your bonded spirit does when in their mark / talisman!
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Zera Nolian's actions just made me smile lol He's just so irrepressible I agree with Secret on the towns thing. Really it just makes sense Later should some suspicious looking group of people head directly towards the warehouse? We'd be long gone by then but then just something to ring it with.
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Nolian is just such a fun lil dude to play honestly. I mean, in regards to having people come to the warehouse, I don't know. Considering the fact that our characters will have been gone--and maybe im missing or missing something--but I would assume it would be a bit more difficult to incorporate that into the storyline since the characters themselves won't be at the warehouse anymore.
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Zera I could make Melie be flying around and seeing someone there. Like, we'd be long gone but Melie would see people there because well... height. It'd add the element of how the hell did they know they'd be there?
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oooohhhh that would make sense
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I'll probably wait for Bobcat or Wildfires to respond first though ^^
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I'm going to wait until tomorrow morning for Bobcat or Rogue Wildfires to post then I'm doing it. It's being delayed for far too long it feels >.>
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