
i think six trials sounds about good! i would imagine the trials would be relatively big ones, though, so it'd take a good minute to get through even one, especially with all of hte complications we've already added. ooh, we were all in that one indeed. the lore for it was great and the concept was fun as hell, since you were assigned it rather than chose it. i'd honestly love to join something like that again. i remember enjoying what i made for my character, but i really loved freedom's character in that one. i remember opal better than i remember my own creation, LMAO. the choices for the gods are fun! i think it might be good for us to have them have a major concept and then a bunch of minor ones, either in relation to the major one, or assigned to them by the folks in lore which resulted in them gaining it in reality since their power is based in worship, if that makes sense. so for example, the god of the sun would also be the god of light by association, and the people who worshipped the sun threw festivals heavily involved in music and dance under the sun which led to tales that the god of light also reigning over music, so the god of light gained dominion over that. do you lot have ideas for what our main domains should be?

I think out of the ones that a time being a main domain would be cool because I think that's more unusual. Also maybe earth and that's associated with water and life or maybe not water but I think there is a reason why earth is a popular god and I think sun and the moon are pretty popular and they cover darkness and light I think it might be interesting if there is the first god who is like Oeus who as far as the other gods know has never been replaced and he kinda just exists after he created the first gods which are the mains ones. First god, earth, water, sun, moon, time I like the idea of the first god being a void they're not sure what his power is, that god isn't active and they know that god established things and maybe other than the gods humans have forgotten he exists Earth - probably more likely to be a feminine persona - fertility, growing, life, hunting, food, animals, love, healing water - storms, fishing, the depths, reflections, rainbows sun - fire, heat, anger, maybe war or that could be water, color, art, justice moon - sleep, hidden things, winter time - age, wisdom, memory, records, so also maybe artistic things especially related to writing or telling stories, illness, death Edited at July 16, 2024 01:03 PM by Sir Froggington

And maybe the lower level gods there are twice as many or are we doing that?

that list sounds pretty good to me!!! i think it makes most sense for war to be under the sun. as for the lower gods, i think there probably oculd be twice as many but they would be majorly irrelevant since the deity in our story was a major god so they'd be dealt with by the major gods. the lower gods would only show up occasionally. freedom can decide which major god the deity was.

Okay, give me some time to consider this. I also might suggest a star/sky god, which I could possibly do for my deity. But I'm going to mull it over. I love the main pantheon, they look great! Meanwhile, we don't we think a bit about what y'all's characters might look like as well? I'll get to mine in two to three days, I have work.

yeah, that sounds good! i was thinking of mine just being a no-bullshit guy who's in a rush to get to luxury, and at first he's just keeping hte pace in order to get this done as soon as possible and the moment he realizes this is going to be harder than he thought he starts getting far, far more passive-aggressive.

I originally imagined the puppeteer being a woman and probably someone you wouldn't expect holding such a position of power maybe youthful and childish looking or maybe a very boring matron

Okay, having looked at your list, Froggy, I really like the idea of a water god. I know, I know, that was already Opal's mother in the original RP. But I'll mix it up a lot, do a different type of god, and I have some good ideas for it.
Also, love y'alls ideas! Should we hash out a basic plot to get us started, any character relationships that need to be done, and help each other wit character building if needed?

honestly, i wouldn't remind a rehash of opal too much. she was an incredibly good character by my standards. i think a basic plot might be a good idea? and i am running a bit low on new character ideas but i'll try to get a baseline before i come to all of you guys for further development.

Okay, I have a general character concept, but I'm insanely busy right now. I think maybe we could start with the puppetmaster and god meeting the mortal? Like, maybe they've already communicated, the mortal knows what's going on, but they haven't officially met. PackName, I think you could decide why the puppetmaster and god believe this mortal can help them. We can just start with the first quest. Probably something simple, like retrieving a legendary weapon (which the mortal knows the location of.) I imagine the main god is in charge of these quests, which is why mine wouldn't know about the updates. He's looking for, like, a huge sword and it'll wind up being something like a machine gun :) Y'know, as an example.