
Even when I put the credits it says that it is invalid

FierceBite- are you trying to upload an image in the forums or upload an avatar?
Avatar -- For avatars, you may upload any image but if it does not follow the site rules, it will be taken down. There is no filter on images as they are uploaded but they are sifted through later by our moderation team here. If your image is displaying an error/invalid message as you are trying to upload the avatar it may be because -
- the image is not the correct file type. Only jpg, gif or png file types are accepted as avatars.
your image exceeds the allotted file size of 300,000 bytes - or, your image exceeds the dimensions taken for avatars. All avatars must be 300 pixels wide by 300 pixels tall - or less.
Forum Image -- For images in the forums, you need to upload your images through a WolfPlay-acceptable image host link. For example, if I wanted to insert a stock photograph of a dog into the forums - granted that this is allowed via. the usage/terms of service of the photographer. I would copy or download the image to my computer then use an acceptable image host. To find which hosting sites are allowed, please read here: Hotlinking || Posting Images on Wolfplay. After my image is uploaded to an appropriate image host, I would then go to the forum I would like to post my image on. Use Insert > Image - then paste your link under "Source" - then select save. Remember to credit your images, read more about this here. [Click to read more about Art Crediting Rules]
Additional information that may aid you may be found here: [Additional Art Information || Art Crediting Rules]
If you have any additional questions or need any assistance with image generating, show no hesitation in messaging me.
Happy Hunting! Edited at May 24, 2020 07:46 PM by Oakley

I don’t know if I just don’t have the right pic or if Wolf Play and my phone hates me because every image that I try to update as my avatar it say “Oops invalid image dimensions must be no greater the 300 width and 300 height” and it’s ticking me off

Oakley said: @FierceBite, are you trying to upload an image in the forums or upload an avatar?
Avatar -- For avatars, you may upload any image but if it does not follow the site rules, it will be taken down. There is no filter on images as they are uploaded but they are sifted through later by our moderation team here. If your image is displaying an error/invalid message as you are trying to upload the avatar it may be because -
- the image is not the correct file type. Only jpg, gif or png file types are accepted as avatars.
your image exceeds the allotted file size of 300,000 bytes - or, your image exceeds the dimensions taken for avatars. All avatars must be 300 pixels wide by 300 pixels tall - or less.
Forum Image -- For images in the forums, you need to upload your images through a WolfPlay-acceptable image host link. For example, if I wanted to insert a stock photograph of a dog into the forums - granted that this is allowed via. the usage/terms of service of the photographer. I would copy or download the image to my computer then use an acceptable image host. To find which hosting sites are allowed, please read here: Hotlinking || Posting Images on Wolfplay. After my image is uploaded to an appropriate image host, I would then go to the forum I would like to post my image on. Use Insert > Image - then paste your link under "Source" - then select save. Remember to credit your images, read more about this here. [Click to read more about Art Crediting Rules]
Additional information that may aid you may be found here: [Additional Art Information || Art Crediting Rules]
If you have any additional questions or need any assistance with image creating, please shoot me a Private Message.
Happy Hunting!
I had one of the jpgs of pngs but it still said that it was invalid...

Game Moderator Darkseeker
Deathpack said: I don’t know if I just don’t have the right pic or if Wolf Play and my phone hates me because every image that I try to update as my avatar it say “Oops invalid image dimensions must be no greater the 300 width and 300 height” and it’s ticking me off That means your image is too big and it needs to be resized.

Okay so I took a pic of a custom wolf that I did and I made it as small as possible and it still says that it’s width is greater then 300 along with its height

Deathpack- use an online image resizer to make the dimensions of the image 300 x 300. The image needs to be 300 pixels high by 300 pixels wide.

How do you use the ICloud Drive because I don't have files

The way a computer organizes, names, stores and manipulates files is globally referred to as its file system. Most computers have at least one file system.
I doubt yours is lacking a file system altogether. If you are on a phone, files are generally stored in a 'Downloads' app.

once you have chosen a picture.. how do you upload it to the avatar space?