
I can reserve a spot for you. Bobcat said: Can I have a fledling?

Name: Timber Age: 14 3/4 Gender: Female Animal: Gray Wolf Role: Fledgling Appearance: Timber is muscular and tall. She has light gray hair with darker gray ears popping out. She also has a tail. Timber has gray eyes that can go from encouraging to menacing in the matter of seconds. Her fur is dark gray with slightly lighter points. Timber has light skin with no sign of freckles. Her fur is longer than most. Timber tends to wear gray to match her fur and hair. She could wear a long coat to hide her ears and tail, but she does not like to. Timber tends to slouch when eating. She also occasionly sticks out her touge when she works. Timber is not super talkitive, but her tail is. Personality: Loyal || Kind || Smart || Fierce || Morning bird || Strange || Protective || Thoughtful || Empathetic || Wary || Weird || Strong || Brave(Most of the time) Strengths: (2+) Stronger legs that let her run faster and jump higher Can hear far away sounds Strong nose that almost always knows Weaknesses: (2+) For some strange reason, she is scared of deep liquid that you can't see the bottom Hates strong smells Jumpy Backstory (Optional): She never learned her last name and never wants to know. And she thinks her parents abandoned her. Crush: Can we have one? Other: She tends to sit crisscross- applesauce with her elbow tucked into her knees. Timber wants to be a scout when she grows up. - If you need more tell me. Not just appearance, but fur color or height. I don't know what to add. Edited at March 25, 2024 08:31 PM by Bobcat

I'm sorry, but I'll need more detail in the personality and appearance for her to be accepted.



Hello! Can I reserve a scout?

OMG, reserve a fledgling please! I'm so glad you're doing a revamp, it was such a good plot and I was so excited for the RP

Of course! Storm Runner said: Hello! Can I reserve a scout?

I'm glad you're happy about this! Reserving it for you now. Moonlight wolf said: OMG, reserve a fledgling please! I'm so glad you're doing a revamp, it was such a good plot and I was so excited for the RP

I can't do it right now, but I'll get to it tomorrow ^^