This female has a presence that commands attention and respect for her ; there is certainly a regality about the way she bears herself. She carries herself with her head held high , not as if she holds herself above the other dragons ; but moreso that she is confident about herself and her station. There is also a slight warmth that can be perceived from her ; like a mother hen gathering her chicks under her wings. She has this motherly instinct and presence about her, and it can be seen in the way her expression softens around those who are younger than her or are essentially children. She also seems to have a fondness for them as well, even if she wouldn't like to admit it to herself. However, there is also a chilling aura about her ; one reminiscent of the eerie winds of the cold, one that sends chills up the spine and can cause one to lose breath from fright. It's an icy demeanor, only reserved for those who have gained her ire. It is to note that she stands at an impressive twenty one feet in height ; towering over most beings - with her neck making up most of her height, yet still managing to be proportionate to her body. Her neck is long and flexible, and rather serpentine like in nature , one is able to see the thick muscles in use when she adjusts her head. It's also to note that she can spin her head at a full three hundred and sixty degrees angle ; which can be rather terrifying. And her legs being quite lengthy as well. From the tip of her snout to the end of her tail this female is an impressive sixty-three feet in length. It is to be noted that she is still rather young, and she possibly will grow a bit taller in the future as she matures. It's no question that this female will be quite the sight once fully matured. When it comes to her build, this female has a build that is a mixture of slender with a definite muscular tone and build about her body. While she has a graceful air about her movements ; it can be inferred that she packs quite a punch when the time comes for it. She's rather scrappy - so when backed into a corner, she'll fight tooth and nail to get out of said corner and she won't hold back. While a dragon might be able to overpower her with brute strength, she can still hold her own in a physical fight - and she can also use her agility to her advantage as well. Being able to evade attacks to the best of her ability ; along with using her agility and swiftness to give herself an advantage in a fight. She is more streamlined in build, it helps her to 'slice' through the air and water . Her motions being fluid and precise ; it's what makes her a powerful flyer and swimmer ( though she can't swim as deep as her counterparts ; she can still go pretty far down ) .
When one observes her movements, they will note that she is rather graceful . Holding herself with the pride of a swan, and moving with the graceful nature of a cat. In fact, her movements are rather predatory ; having a silently and stealthy nature about her. Liking to catch her victims off guard ; and always having evidence of her being their big never sightings. She's quite stealthy like that, and she relies on it as a creature of ambush. It is to note that his female is quadrupedal; having four limbs to carry herself upon. Her legs are rather lean and muscular ; making her swift when running along the ground . And she's one who's rather like wolf when on a hunt ; she's highly persistent and motivated, along with being patient. Always ready in the shadows to make her move if necessary of her. She has a rather noticeable bounce to her gait, one that adds to her elegance, and then a gentle sway as well. If one were to observe her right leg, they'll notice a nasty wound. It's a large sting mark, she had the bad luck to run into a fire dragon with a stinger ; and if left a large crater shaped mark with small branches coming from it. The scales there are very sensitive and the injury can flare up from time to time. One would do best to not ask her about that injury , unless they want to be glared at - it's a rather sore subject for her. She has four "paws" , and she has serrated claws , and large pads on her feet like a polar bear which helps her keep traction on ice and can be used for climbing icy cliffs (her pads being thick as to be unaffected by the jagged rocks) . Not to mention, she also has webbing within her toes which help she when decides to go for a swim. Her claws are also of medium thickness and almost sickle like ; not to mention that she has a fifth digit, reminiscent of a dew claw due to its placement. These claws have a pretty cerulean color to them, and they also have a pretty ice-like glaze when they are introduced to the light. And if one were to look a bit closer (if they even could manage to do a thing) they would notice they have a pretty lime green and purple with hints of lavender. They are good for digging, climbing, gripping things, or when she's bored - drawing in the snow. But don't be mistaken they also can be used to pin enemies down, crush a skull or snatch someone up with precision. When it comes to her tail , it's very thick and sturdy, yet flexible - she uses it as an oar to guide her when she swims in open waters. It is also powerful enough ; that if she struck a tree it would easily fall or be split due the sheer force exerted by her. It is also able to be used for more delicate things such as pushing someone or something, picking them up or prodding them . Overall she can use the tail as phantom limb as well and she finds it very useful to have.
When it comes to her face ; she has a rather slender and elegant appearing face. When first allowing, it appears rather serene and wise - along with inviting to those that need such a thing. Yet, it can also hold unbridled rage and fury . It is one with the standard draconian appearance, yet she has more elevated cheekbones and her muzzle is a tad bit more slender in appearance. The scales on her face are a dazzling color which one would least expect ; her scales ranging from dark purples and lightening out to pretty lavenders and then pale baby blue tones to silvery white scales around her face. Not to mention she has frills like a lizard and they flare up according to her emotions. They can flutter in annoyance , puff out when she's upset or taken aback by something or rattle in warning. They have four slender purple spikes coming out of them. And the skin for the flaps is a light blue color with some slight silverish lavender color underneath it. In her mouth she has two sets of teeth, they are sharp and she has elongated canines ( more like fangs ) - and they are used for crushing her prey. It's to note that this female is more inclined to eat seafood like crabs, lobster, seals and whales . She also has a forked tongue that is a bluish-grey coloration and her gums appear this same color as well . When it comes to her eyes, they are a pretty violet hue - reminding one of the magical time that is twilight ; the border of night and day. They are also very helpful for her to see in the nighttime ; not to mention she has a protective lid to keep out debris in her eyes when in storms or flying in the air . Upon her head, she is crowned with what can be described as an ornate display of horns - she has beautiful large and thickly ringed horns, in a corkscrew shape that come out first and make a shape resembling a heart. And then branching out behind them are horns that make a display almost as if they are trees, with delicate spirals and curves to them. And finally, she has two small horns that have a crescent moon shape to them These horns are all ivory in color, with a beautiful sheen to them. They are also smooth when touching them ; but it is to note that the tip of these horns are sharp and will draw blood. They can also be used as a weapon for bludgeoning someone if she is so inclined to do so ; and they are sturdy enough to not be affected if she used her head to push something. After these horns, spikes come down her back and neck, and they vary in color and length ; they also have a slight wavy spiraling curl to them as well. The colors range from snowy white to light blue to mixes of the blue and purples with darker and lighter gradients of each colors . In the sides of her neck , she has gills - these are used when she goes hunting in water as she's semi-aquatic. She can't go too deep but she can go pretty far: Along the lower back are what can be described as dorsal fins or sails - they have spikes coming from them as well and they also can flare up and down with her emotions. The spikes are this pretty dark purple while the skin between them are this light cerulean intermixed with white color. She is rather colorful for an ice dragon, and she takes pride in her colors. And she makes sure that all her scales are up to par with constant grooming and preening.
When meeting this female the first thing you notice is the way she carries herself ; she walks with a certain poise in her gait and her head held high, their is certain bounce in her steps and elegance in her canter. One can tell she was raised to be a well-mannered lady ; from the way she speaks eloquently, and always has some sense of charm to her words - the way she speaks is soothing, like honey dripping from her tongue and gentle on the ears of others. When she speaks, she has a definite purpose, she will not make a fool out of herself - as they say, she knows when to hold them and knows when to fold them. She has a certain gift of persuasion, being able to change the mind of others and get them to see it from her point of view - it can be said she is a tad bit manipulative, able to guilt others into doing something or being able to extract information she needs. Now, most don't ring alarm bells because for the most part she is a genuinely nice soul - it is only when you've invoked her fury will she up the ante. She's very intelligent and sharp ; able to come up with plans and solutions to problems rather quickly and effectively, and she's also good with others - able to listen and empathize with them and sometimes even sympathize. She is one with the people, and has a strong connection with them - always willing to listen to their concerns and help them when she is able to. However, while she is giving and warm - she expects it in return, so if she has helped you in the past and she requests your help in a genuine time of need you best believe she expects you to help her. If not, one will find themselves on her bad side - she hates those who don't repay their debts or help others in need, and not to mention ; she absolutely detests her time being wasted by another. She does and will hold a grudge for a long time about that indiscretion ; and you definitely will receive the cold shoulder. One can say she is a bit petty and vindictive when it comes to being crossed or fooled ; you only need to break her trust once before you find yourself needing to feel remorse for being so rude to her.
This female is of an even-temper, able to keep her cool and patience under the most troubling situations - she can also hold a slight optimism, being able to rally and uplift others when they are down and give a heartfelt speech to inspire others to keep going. While she may be optimistic, she also is a realist ; able to see things for what they really are, however it's better to be optimistic and keep morale up than just rain on the parade. She keeps her bitter thoughts to herself for the most part - after all they don't do much in a tense situation, unless the moment really calls for it because someone is being dumb. One can say that this female is rather no-nonsense, and she doesn't stand for stupidity or anyone's bullshit - no matter the rank, she calls it as she sees it - if you're being a bully, then you're damn well a bully. She doesn't appreciate recklessness or foolish behavior out of those who are supposed to be mature, and she doesn't appreciate adults acting like children either - it grinds her gears when adults bicker like little children over something simple. Also, if you're being a jerk and abusing your power, then she will call you out on it. Just because you're in a position of power doesn't mean she will gravel to you - one has to earn her respect and loyalty, and that's a tough thing to do. She doesn't appreciate anyone who is unnecessarily bossy or micromanaging, and she will tell you exactly how she feels about that.
This female is rather spirited - she holds herself in high esteem, not in a arrogant way, but in a way of that she knows exactly who she is and what she stands for and she won't let anyone or anything change that. She is confident in herself and knows her self worth and won't let anyone tell her otherwise. She is rather opinionated and bold - not afraid to speak out against injustice or go against it, she knows when to stand her ground and when to find a better time to draw attention to a problem. While she does care deeply for those she knows, there are few that she would do anything for - and that means anything, even if it means breaking one of her own morals if she loves you that much. It's to be noted, she doesn't see the world in black and white - she understands the grey areas and isn't afraid to use it to her advantage, even if it means making enemies or others misunderstanding her intention. While this female is truly a loyal creature, she's only loyal as long as you are doing your job right - she's not one to sit by idly as you make her life miserable just for fun, if you can't get it right or are doing wrong then she will make you get it right. It's easy for her to make friends, she's charismatic and charming - easily able to attract others with her manners, but she's wary of trusting others and letting them into her heart. Why? Because she's trusted before and gotten burned . . . badly, and she isn't keen on letting that happen again - so if one wants to truly be her friend then they have to have the patience to consistently get her attention and stand by her side. It pays off in the long run, because you'll never find a friend as loyal as this female. Just know, that once she calls you her friend, you have someone that will stand with you until the end of time itself or until she takes her last breath ; just don't break that trust or you'll lose such special bond.
It's not common for this female to get upset, however annoyed or miffed are part of her. Once can tell by her speech that she's beginning to become a bit annoyed by something, her words become more sharp and witty - while the sweet flowery tone of voice is their, their is more sarcasm and wit in her remarks to the object or person of her annoyance. She can be quite sassy when she wants to be, and she's quite mouthy when she's annoyed - she can and will argue with you up and down as well. Now when it comes to her real anger ; when she's mad, you better take cover - no one is able to escape her wrath. It's safe to say, when she's mad - she is on a warpath and anyone who tries to get in her way will be crushed and ground to dust ; the object of her fury will have to deal with her, she can and will threaten them - but also, she is not above getting physical either, if they're itching for a fight then she damn well will give them one. And she will not be gentle about it, she will go all out and there will be blood drawn - so it's safe to say, be careful when challenging her to a fight because even when she angry to challenge her makes her annoyed and she will prove herself to be superior. It is to note that she can be rather fierce ; a force of nature not to be trifled with, she is a fierce protector of those she knows and cares for - sometimes even willing to put her own life on the line for them. While she may have an easygoing spirit most of the time, you can see her fierce nature blaze within her eyes in moments and other times you can see it when she's using it for good.
When it comes to her family ; you best believe that this female is highly protective of her own. From her brothers and sisters to her nieces and nephews - all of them fall under the umbrella of her love and her protection. There is no question that if you hurt anyone that is her family, you better believe that she will bring the pain to you - she doesn't tolerate anyone who will slander or harm her family members and if you thing of doing such a thing she will find a way to make misfortune come your way. Now while she is protective of her family, there is no one that she is more protective of than her children - especially her younger ones. She loves her children and she protects them with her life and all her souls ; after all that is a mother's sword duty to do so. She raises her children with love - yet, there will always be a firm hand if needed. She makes sure her children have manners, because she will not accept anything less than that - and they will be taught how to be respectful as well. She will not raise disrespectful hooligans ; and if her children are being naughty she knows just how to handle them. Even when her children are older they better show her some respect as their mother and better not think just because they're nearly grown it'll save them from a lecture about their deplorable behavior. While she gets that other mother's maybe worried about her children ; she doesn't appreciate mares taking it upon themselves trying to discipline or raise her children in any way., and she will let it be known. Unless you are her mother or father ; do not try and make "helpful" suggestions to her on how to raise her children.
When it comes to romance, this female is a rather possessive when it comes to her lover ; she doesn't tolerate females trying to make a move on her partner and if he's encouraging them, he'd better run because he will receive a scolding too. She also doesn't like females making bodily contact with her mate because it means that female has gotten too comfortable. Of course, this doesn't apply to his family or friends (unless they begin looking suspicious) . She is a loving partner, doing her best to make them smile and make them happy - she loves being with them and learning things about them. She is rather softer and more affectionate with her partner than most ; and you can see her being more carefree and happier with the person that she loves. And it is well noted that this female likes the small things ; surprises, flowers, little spontaneous dates, & anything creative. As long as you know how to keep her happy, she will be a loving and happy partner. One thing to mention is : she doesn't tolerate cheaters or someone who will treat her like trash ; so if you switch your behavior towards her, then she's switching hers towards you. Meaning, you making her out to be a bitch, then she will become the biggest bitch you've ever seen just to spite them.
Breath Attacks
Glacial Crater
This is see secondary breath attack ; she can fire from her mouth balls of pure ice. And it doesn't stop there - these ice balls freeze the target area upon impact, and then explode about three to five seconds later. Meaning shards of sharp and cold ice go everywhere, and if the ice manages to pierce your body or get on your skin ; you're in for a terrible experience. The shards that comes from her ball of ice is similar to that of dry ice ; and once it pierces the skin it will begin to constrict blood flow and start the stages of frostbite. And this means you can't just yank the ice out, as you will be met with a searing pain when doing so as touching it will give you frostbite on your hands. So it's best to use tools to remove the ice. And again heat is a great way to heal a victim and making sure wounds ar properly treated and all ice is removed. It is also to note that wherever the shards land, pillars of spiked ice will form and she will be able to use this to her advantage.
This is her biggest and most versatile power that she has. She can use her own body to generate ice, shards, hail, and sometimes snow that she uses for her attacks. Her limit to what she can create with the ice is her mind.. She has mastery over them, being able to use them to attack both offensively and defensively. From making small pillars of ice or large walls of ice to block an incoming attack , raining down a barrage of ice shards upon an enemy, to making a dome of ice to give space for a team to collect themselves momentarily or making chains of ice to restrict someone - her ice is certainly versatile and useful. While she can create this ice , that's true - she has a secret, she uses water within her body to be able to "summon" and use this. Meaning that she has a hydration limit, she has a specific amount of storage of water that is specifically used for these attacks. The larger the attack , the more energy expended, and more 'hydration' she uses - not to mentioned she wants the ice to be thicker and harder to crush , she has to give more energy. Overusing this power will give her bouts of dizziness, migraines , and she'll be disoriented. This female must constantly stay hydrated to be able to use this attack to her benefits ; it's also to note that if she runs over the limit - she will resort to her last resort of making ice, using her own blood. And this is bad because as she uses it, essentially she's freezing herself and giving herself frostbite ; after all it's not meant to be used in that way. And it can be so bad to the point where she could collapse and can only be awoken by being warmed up due to her bloodflow halting.
This power of hers requires intense concentration and focus for her to use. And it can also cause mental strain if she's generating multiple constructs at once without giving herself a break for energy. It's also helpful to note that while she can manipulate ice form her body and herself she can also manipulate ice that's already there as well - it still takes concentration and energy to control it though .
Ice Teleportation
This is a rather cool - yet risky ability of this dragon. She can teleport herself via ice. Essentially, she ' shatters ' her body , and she becomes the ice and can travel this way. Being a white - cerulean hued color. Leaving a gentle trail of frost where she goes . It's to note that this is a rather useful ability to use in a snowy environment as she can blend in quite easily ; and it's also to know that this power is risky and takes a lot of concentration. And she can't keep this form for long, as it takes a lot of mental work to do so, and unless she actually would like to become one with the ice , permanently - she will need to change back.. Not to mention, if in this form she is harmed it's no guarantee that she'll make it back alive either - so it's possible for her die in this form.
Swimming : This female is a powerful swimmer and her streamline build and oar-like tail helps her in this department. It also helps that she loves water very much.
The Cold & Ice : Surviving in sub-zero temperatures, blizzards, and snowstorms? That's right up her alley - she's a creature designed for the cold and thrives within it. Give her a wintry environment and she will dominate and come out on top
She's Cathemeral : Meaning she's active during both day and night ; which means she can easily adjust herself to be nocturnal or dinural if needed without major affects for her sleep schedule. It also helps when it comes to teams as she can work both day and night shift when needed to pull that weight
Agility & Speed : It's to note that she's quite agile, her slender build being able to help her make sharp turns . And she's pretty fast when on all fours and in the air.
Experienced Flyer & High Lung Capacity : Thsi female has made it her business to make her flying a strong suit of hers. And she is a very crafty and creative flyer. Able to use her power and flight to her advantage. Not to mention she can fly very high ; higher than most due thin air not bothering her - which is helpful for she wants to lose someone because not all are built for high altitudes.
Heat & Fire : A rather standard weakness of hers , as a being in association with ice - fire and heat would be one of her biggest weaknesses. Fire is a easy way to snuff out her ice ( depending on how strong her ice is and how hot the flames are ) . She doesn't do well in hot or arid conditions as their is no moisture for her to use to keep herself cool. It quite literally saps at her strength and makes her sluggish.
Emotional Control : Her powers are linked to her emotions, she has to keep her emotions in check unless she wants to lose control of her powers. And depending on the emotion, the stronger the emotion - the stronger the response will be . This is mainly when she's is angry or fearful - it's also hard for her to take control back once she has spiraled out of control as well.
Hydration : She must stay hydrated in order to use her ice powers. It's a main function of her power. And by constantly having water she will be able to use it. Also once she does use her ice ; it takes form her 'hydration' and once she runs out of her stores it means that she's using the water and blood within her body to create this ice with is physically damaging and exhausting on her body.
Old Leg Injury ; This female has a wound on her leg from a fight with a particularly angry fire dragon that was hell-bent on destroying her nest and home. He didn't live to tell the tale, but he left a nasty injury on her leg that flares up from time to time. No to mention ironically it flares up in cold weather.
Vicious & Highly Territorial : This female can be rather cold-hearted and cold-blooded when she wants to be, as she has no qualms with spilling the blood of her enemies or those that wrong her. She also likes her space and can and will defend it from those she views as "invading" or "disturbing" her space .
Her Family & Those She ' Claims ' : This female finds it hard to find people she cares about. But one thing she does know for sure ; her family is a no touch zone. If you think of fucking with the family, she will show no mercy nor pity whilst she hunts you down. And those she views as friends also have the same level of protection over them. In short ; don't fuck with things cares about.
Her Gills: This female has gills on the side of her neck, which help her when she decides to go swimming and hunting for food. These are a weak point for her as if too much air gets in them at once she can go into shock like a fish would if such a thing happened. It's why she keeps them highly protected when on land.
Her Own Ice : She has to be careful when using her ice because if she overdoes it, she can end up freezing herself to death. The more ice she uses, the colder her body becomes ; while she has a natural cold resistance and immunity - there is a point where it can be breached and that's when she ends up freezing herself by accident due to over exertion. And also because while she can make ice herself ; their is a finite amount she can make without exhausting her resources and it isn't always advisable.