
Edited at May 18, 2020 10:40 AM by CriesInTheNight
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More Mamas
Piss n Shit
thanks to solas! G7 howler 30R AC flax!

aka Tiffany Rose G1 22T cerebellar hypoplasia howler +6. 
I Killed Cock Robin.
part of the incestuous alpha pair with her brother Who Killed Cock Robin?  Edited at August 15, 2020 10:37 AM by Life on Mars

June 2020
Golf Child x Death's Paradise 40R dark grey snow nose female. 
The Dreamer of Dreams x Pup 32 my precious  ooh a good litter. 6-13-20 HW 35R AC hero female +32. Ugly af 293451230R AC hydrocephalus female +34. Vomit The Stain x Gold Digger HW 35R AC hero female +37. She kinda cute if you squint... 6-14-20 No Le Entiendo x Samael 6-16-20 Piss x Bear HW 33R AC ery female. Ace6-23-20 The Stain x Luxus albino male, I love it when players deck up the wolves I bred! 29540486-28-20 Golf Child x Sebastian G4 31R AC +13 hero female.  Edited at July 11, 2020 12:56 AM by Life on Mars

i am. so proud of Piss N Shit for making such a beautiful Ery

many thanks, solas! July 20202959929 7-2-20 The Stain x Luksus 34R AC albino female who sold for 555 mush. Tiffany Rose x Wilde G2 Ery male. Daru 7-6-20 Pylus Eating Me x Battle Stance G2 CS female. Catra7-9-20 The Music Maker x Fire Storm 7-9-20 No Le Entiendo x Solace G4 HW 33R AC cutie hero female Morgan7-19-20 No Le Entiendo x Valour G4 HW 37R rare-nosed Elite Speed male! Hermes7-19-20 No Le Entiendo x Valour G4 ery female! Avalanche7-21-20 The Stain x Fire Storm HW 40R AC and unfortunately male - at least he's destined to be alpha now :) Fae7-21-20 The Stain x Fire Storm HW 31R AC female. At least she is prettier than Stain. Storm7-24-20 哎呀 x Assamite DH female Desperatio Principis 7-24-20 Isfet x Mikel the Silent Angel G5 32R AC hero female... so pretty. On second thought, I should've kept her for my marble collection. 29962607-26-20 Limerence x Carbon Dioxide G2 CS male! Goldie
7-26-20 Goodnight x Ryvalut A gold sandstone and my alphas' youngest surviving child... take care of him. Zen7-28-20 Castle Rain x Champagne G2 deaf male! Rusty7-28-20 Castle Rain x Champagne G2 Sienna male Cianna
7-29-20 st00pid bat x Solace a not-so-ugly batchild. miss you solas :(  Edited at August 15, 2020 10:57 AM by Life on Mars

August 2020
I have lost SO many litters this month... so many due to nobody buying my pups or even taking them for free so they clog up my den... I cry :(
8-1-20 No Le Entiendo x Witcher t'was a good litter! HW G4 34R AC female.

Miss Innana
8-1-20 No Le Entiendo x Witcher HW G4 34R AC female. 
HW G4 38R AC Crushing Strength male. 30046248-2-20 Golf Child x Haze G4 43R AC male. Wres8-5-20 My Brother's Keeper x Laith G4 31R AC wrestler hero +13 dormez-vous?8-6-20 PISS N SHIT x solas she's so beautiful I'm going to cry 30162108-11-20 st00pid bat x Izuku Midoryia 62R fae Kerosine
8-11-20 No Le Entiendo x Izuku Midoryia G4 HW 78R isabella female! Sold for 1 apple 30171648-11-20 No Le Entiendo x Izuku Midoryia G4 HW SV! 30215988-15-20 Who Killed Cock Robin? x I Killed Cock Robin Nimble foot cock robin marble female!! 30229408-16-20 The Music Maker x Devil of Echoes G4 HW 33R 14T female 30229418-16-20 The Music Maker x Devil of Echoes G4 HW 43R AC male Pretty Piss Baby8-17-20 Piss n Shit x Kieran Pretty piss baby! 31R AC Weylen8-17-20 Piss n Shit x Kieran dunno how it's even possible for a 30R AC mother to have a 39R AC child... too bad it's a boy 30246778-17-20 Piss n Shit x Kieran HW 31R AC - another pretty piss baby! 30253208-18-20 The Dreamer of Dreams x Pup 32 ES female Dagger8-3-20 My Brother's Keeper x Gold Digger HW 70R bonfire DH howler hero +38! Wow  Edited at September 16, 2020 03:36 PM by drain.

9-1-20 The Stain x Invictus HW 38R rare-nosed female

Cheery Blossom
9-1-20 The Stain x Invictus HW 38R AC female

9-3-20 The Music Maker x Ly'cidas G4 64R winter dynamic female Goblin9-9-20
Golf Child x Painkiller G4 35R AC +13 hero male. 