
Falcon |male|3 | delta |m: Open Falcon runs back in a haste like something was chasing him but there was nothing behind him just him playing around a bit as Falcon slows down and looked around for anyone to chat with like mothers or hunters or even pack members anyone he would love to talk to as Falcon sighed and slows to a stop before looking at where someone got hurt and shakes his head

Alpine | 3 | M | Hunter | Huo (dir) Pierce (ind) Alpine sighed in relief at least he knew Pierce was okay. Looking around he trotted over to Huo, "It's been a stressful day and I barely woke up." He chuckled giving his charming smile to Huo once more. Alpine could admit something about Huo was so... Calm, so innocent. He felt the need to protect that innocence. His eyes laid on Huo's gaze staring down into them, his tail could be saw visible thumping the ground softly.

Pierce | M | Hunter | M: Ember Pierce didn't know how long they had been staring at each other for. All he knew is that he liked her, a lot. He was nervous to tell her, and, frankly, he was too weak to speak.

Huo|1y|F|heir|M: Alpine (dir) Pierce (ind) Hup smiled as Alpine neared her. She was glad that Pierce was awake and fine, knowing that if anything happened, all their wolves were best in good shape. Huo let herself drown in Alpine's charisma, needing the distraction for a bit. There was... something about Alpine that Huo felt attracted to, despite their differences. She gently pulled back, not wanting to be awkward. Huo remembered her thoughts earlier that day and realized, that if anything, Alpine might be a good match. Huo remembered her brief moment of taking control of camp. The slight feeling of too much responsibillity, she didn't like how so much would depend on her if anything had gone wrong. She wasn't sure if she would ever want to become a leader.

Alpine | 3 | M | Hunter | Huo (dir) Alpine watched as Huo drifted off into thinking again, there was just that look on her face when she thinking. Sighing Alpine got up waving his tail in front of her face, "Helloo?? Huoo?" He chuckled once Huo focused again, "Thought I lost you for a second." Alpine joked playfully. He sat back down this time in front of Huo facing directly towards her. His tail was still thumping the ground as he looked down into Huo's eyes. There was that look again on her face the, "I'm over thinking and you can't stop me" look. He booped her nose with his, "You alright? You seem off, well I know something really stressful happened but besides that you look "Off" off, if you get what I mean." He mention with hint of worry and empathy for her.

Huo|1y|F|heir|M: Alpine (directly) Huo smiled as Alpine bumped her nose. "Hi, Alpine." Huo greeted the older wolf. "I'm mostly fine." Huo sighed. "I'm just not... sure that a leadership role would ever fit me. Sometimes, I wish I was born from another mother, it's just I don't think I can fill the expectations." Huo looked away. It was the first time she had confided to anyone those deep thoughts. "When I was temporarily in charge of camp this morning, just the prospect of anything happening when I was in charge, it just froze me. I wasn't ready for the temporary role, and I don't think I would have helped, just stood there frozen if anything happened. And then I couldn't find Cyclone when he was needed. What if Pierce had needed Cyclone?" Huo looked back, trying not to drown in her thoughts.

Ember⇑Female⇑Heir⇑M:Pierce Ember stared back in Pierces eyes, there was something about him that made her heart flutter but she didn't know what. Ember a bit taken aback at the feeling rushed out of the medic den and ran to her den, what was this feeling? Pierce just looked so, so innocent he looked better than before thanks to the medic but she was starving and no doubt everyone else was. So she decided to go and hunt in the other direction from were Pierce got hurt. - She started walking with her nose to the ground, prey was usually a lot smaller though. Ember couldn't get Pierces face out of her mind under the branch, he was so still the pain in his eyes was unbearable to look and remember. Ember suddenly got a scent of a hare it was a male pretty old, she followed the scent and saw it in the middle of a clearing alone. She snuck up onto it and pounced onto it, it was wriggling when she finally killed it. - Ember was happy with herself grinning from ear to ear, she picked it up and carried it back to pack territory which was quite far away. Suddenly she saw and smelt smoke in the distance just poking up above the ceiling of the forest she hated smoke and fire so she carried of back to the territory thinking nothing of it. She put the hare in the food hole and went to her den for a nap. I'm on my phone so it's a bit harder.

Pierce | M | Hunter | M: Ember Pierce watched as Ember gazed into him, both there eyes burning into each other. Then, she raced out of the den. I guess I look horrible. He thought as he slowly lifted to see his pelt was matted from the tree and by blood. He felt very dizzy and decided he should probably rest his rest. And body. So, without a another thought, he curled up in his makeshift-nest and doused off.

Arrow | F | Alpha Female | M: Ember, Pierce Arrow stretched after her short rest and padded out of her den. Outside the camp, everyone was starting to clan down. But where was her daughter? First, she checked the Medics den, but only found a drouzy Pierce. Next, she checked the Hunters and fighters den to find Ember curled up in a tight ball. Is she......pretending? she thought as she saw her daughter curled up after what seemed like a lone hunt. Though it looked like she was pretending, she kept murmuring in a strange way. "Ember." She whispered to her daughter. "Wake up. You've been talking in your sleep." She said soflty. Edited at February 5, 2024 07:22 AM by Mountain pack (c)

Ember⇑Female⇑Heir⇑M:Arrow Ember muttered in her sleep Fire no no fire! Help fire! 2 legged creatures! Ember suddenly woke up a shiver running down her spine, her mother was standing over her. She looked up into her mothers eyes hoping she didn't say that out loud.