
Jett|Male|Medic App|Shival|Men: Lily "Of course." Jett touched Lily's neck with his muzzle, turning to the motionless pup lying nearby. When he picked up the tiny pup, he felt a quiet pang of grief. A life, taken from someone so young- It almost hurt to think about. Jett moved the pup to a corner in the den, covering it with some moss and leaves until the burial. He wished the pup was still living. Jett had seen pups like this before, but it happening to him was almost too much to handle. He released a small, choked up breath before turning back to Lily. "Anything you need? I can get you some water, or something to eat if you'd like."

Edited at April 10, 2022 01:12 PM by Nikki Afton

Tala||Female||Hunter||Shival||M: Navajio Tala looked at Navajio and followed him. She had followed him out of camp and he had hunted some rabbits after a bit. She had heard what he said and she replied to him. She continued hunting for a bit and got a few rabbits. She was stalking one at the moment which it heard something and she said "Shit!" She had said this in a hushed tone. Tala wasn't totally there during the hunting and that probably caused her to step on a stick or something. She looked around but didn't see the other hunter. Tala continued to stalk the rabbits and after a few minutes she had caught 11 rabbits. She had sat down to take a break. Then she decided that she should at least bury the rabbits. She dug a hole and placed them in the hole after that she covered the hole back up. Tala marked the tree and then trotted off to a nearby stream to get a drink. She ended up in her thoughts which wasn't the best thing at the moment. She thought What if the Zena attack us because they think it is are fault for there Alpha male's death. Would we be able to handle the attack? She shook her head and said "Stop thinking like that!" She walked back to the area where Navajio had left them. She was satisfied with the rabbits she had caught so she laid down.

Breeze / 6 / Female / Shival / Alpha / M: Navajo, Jett, Lily, Lily's Pups (ind.) Breeze lay there, often having waves of feeling unbearably sick, and she often felt like she was going to throw up. Her secret washed over her, filling her mind to the brim, and giving her a bad headache. Stretching and standing up, albeit very wobbly, she practically crawled out of her den and straightened up. She sought help, and went out to find the medic. Well, the medic apprentice actually. She thought sadly. Seeing that Navajo was gone, a sudden feeling of worry hit her and she practically ran to the medic den, senting Lily and Jett, and… Her pups!!! Breeze thought happily. She entered slowly not wanting to disturb the other wolves. “Jett? Could I have a quiet word? I know your quite busy, and congrats Lily, but I have some news that I thought best to share with you before anyone else." She nodded to Lily, happy about the pups before nodding to Jett too. She sat down some way away from Lily and flicked her tail to Jett.

Navajo|M|Shival Pack|Alpha Male|Mentions: Tala then Lily Navajo was watching the herd of deer. He needed 2 more hunters before they could bring down a deer. He hoped that some juveniles and some pups became hunters. Although we could gather the hunters and some of the warriors to take down a deer He pondered Mmmm that would be mixing roles and that would get wolves confused He lay the thought aside as he felt someone was watching him and he got up, his fur and hackles were raised and he growled st the shadows Instinctively whilst he trotted back to Tala and David, the two hunters of Shival Pack. As he trotted, his Misty green eyes flickered in all directions. He hated that this killing of the Zena Pack Alpha Male had made everyone more skittish and afraid even him. He was afraid he would get killed in a revenge attack against Shival Pack. An alpha male for an alpha male. He quickened his pace and went into a jog towards the clearing where the hunters were. When he got ther, he undug half of his catch and carried it in. When he did he caught an unfamiliar smell of... Pups! Lily must of had hers, she must be hungry He thought. With that he carried 5 rabbits to Lily and spoke clearly. "Sorry if I am not wanted right now, I brought you some food" He nudged the biggest one of the litter, a small dark grey male pup back to Lily. He watched the pups nestle into Lily and like on top of each other to sleep. He grinned and tried not to laugh as it would probably startle and wake the pups.' Lily|F|Mother|Shival Pack|Mentions: Her Pups, Jett and Breeze snd Open Lily looked down upon her beautiful pups, she smiled and judged one towards her as it lost its bearings. Her tail wagged as the alpha female came in and took Jett away from a private chat. She replied "Thanks" and looked st the covered stillborn. She was very hungry after the birth of her second litter but she realized in dismay that there was nothing yet on the pile. She repositioned herself so she wasn't right splat bang by the entrance so she was in the way but was tucked away in the right corner by the entrance. She managed to shuffle there nudging and carting her pups to the new place. She hoped Jett wouldn't mind so she looked up at Navajo when he walked in. She gulped down the rabbits in no time at all and looked sheepishly at the ground. She smiled and thanked him . Edited at April 10, 2022 04:54 PM by Pastry Lord

Jett|Male|Medic App|Shival|Men: Breeze, Lily [ind.] "Ah, of course." Jett stood, following Breeze. He sat nearby, curling his tail around his legs and huffing a quiet sigh. "What's troubling you?" Jett asked his Alpha, flicking his ear backward. He didn't want anyone eavesdropping. He sniffed her pelt, searching for signs of sickness. "Are you ill or injured?" Edited at April 10, 2022 05:11 PM by Blankspace

Raigho || Beta Male || Shival || M: Everyone Raigho stood in the clearing unsure of what was going on around him. He felt unorganized and out of place. Dismayed at his feelings, Raigho decided to figure out where everyone was. Let's see... I know where Midnight is and the alphas were just over here... The grey furred male turned towards the log where he had last seen most of his pack. Just then, Navajo came back with his kill and Raigho could smell the other hunters close by. Why is he going to the medic den? Breeze and Jett were around the corner. He took a sharp breath inwards. Lilly's pups! He'd almost forgotten! Tail wagging he began at a brisk trot over there before slowing to a walk as he neared. He poked his head in briefly making sure they were ok before going back outside. He sat outside and waited for Navajo nervously. I have to ask them sooner or later...

Sagefire | Female | Warrior | Zena | M: Angelica, Nightfall Sagefire sighed and waited for Nightfall to return. According to Nightfall Mishka had told them to stick Together. Which they currently weren't doing, and Sagefire didn't like it. So many things could be happening right now while she was sitting there, like what if the loner had hurt nightfall? Then that would really be bad. Instead of waiting any longer Sagefire decided to At Least go and check out what had happened. Careful not to make a sound, something Sagefire was not good at, she slowly made her way over to them and lay behind a bush just in range of hearing their conversation. When she went to lay down a twig snapped beneath her, Crap, this could affect some things. Turning her eyes toward them nothing seemed out of the ordinary, except that Nightfall was way too relaxed. Nothing interesting was happening until an unfamiliar name caught her ears. Nifty…?? Confused, Sagefire guessed these two must've known each other. Sagefire could catch bits of their conversation and heard Shival pack mentioned quite a few times. Wait, the loner was part of shival pack? Questions filled her head but for now Sagefire ignored them keeping herself focused on the two. Once Nightfall had stopped talking Sagefire stood up. She wasn't trying to be discreet or quiet now, she simply wanted to confront Nightfall, and that loner who still wasn't aware of her name. Sagefire stepped towards them, her eyes holding an accusing glare. “So Nightfall, you know this loner and you didn't tell me?” She felt betrayed that Nightfall didn't share this information and instead kept it a secret. (Sorry took me awhile to reply!)

Breeze / 6 / Female / Shival / Alpha / M: Jett, Lily, Navajo She coughed, clearing her throat to talk to Jett. Then her gross, sickly feeling that was all too common and Breeze gagged accidently, and shook her head. “I’m expecting. Expecting pups. To Navajo.” It was an almost inaudible whisper in which she revealed her secret. The secret that she had been hiding for a little over two weeks. Hoping that no one noticed her already slightly enlarged belly. She curled her tail around her paws and glanced down before looking up. Her thoughts wandered back to the subject of pups, and she watched Lily for a while. Spotting Navajo at the entrance to the den, she suddenly shrank back and withdrew herself, her eyes widening. She had not even begun to imagine that Navajo would be back this soon, and that she still had time to mull over what she was going to say to her mate.

Navajo|M|Alpha Male|Mentions: Lily +her new pups and Raigho Navajo brought some damp moss for Lily and then when she fell asleep, he departed the sleeping pups and mother. He jumped as Raigho was right by the entrance of the medic's den. He smiled once he had gotten past his intitial shock. "Hey Raigho what's up? Didn't get to see you that much this early morning" He spoke clearly yet being very bouncy as he was happy to see his right man and a best friend. Raigho looked nervous so he tilted his head in curiosity. (sorry short) Nightfall|F|Warrior|Zena Pack|Mentions: Angelica and Sagefire Nihhtfall let out a growl of shock and instinct as Sagefire appeared. She calmed herself and stood up straight scolding herself inside for not being careful and observant. She replied to Sagefire " Sagefire I can explain, This..This is my sister, Angelica I love her but my loyalties lie with Zena Pack, I didn't share this with anyone because..well because wolves would judge me on where my kin comes from and not my skills" She looked to Angelica and smiled. She hoped Angelica would understand why Nightfall had kept her a secret from Zena Pack. She really hoped that Sagefire wouldn't press onto their backstory together