
Arrow | Female | Alpha Female | M: Cyclone, Rowan "Oh my God! What happened?" She looked at Rowan, desperate for an answer. what happened to him? He's our best Hunter! She looked sickly at the growing pool of blood and thought of when she was attacked by some very feral wolves and earned her scar, blinding her in the left eye. "Cyclone! We need you ASAP! Pierce is going to DIE!" Edited at February 4, 2024 12:27 PM by Mountain pack (c)

Rowan|Male|Alpha Male| M:Arrow "Just someone go get the damn medic. Arrow there was a branch that fell on him and he could possibly die if someone doesn't get the damn medic." He growled worryingly please don't die on us my guy we would all be in big trouble.

Pierce | M | Hunter | M: Open [Blacks out]

Rowan|Male|Alpha Male| M:Open "Shit someone watch him i gotta ho get some herbs to stop the bleeding." He runs to the medics den and grabs the exact herbs he needs he runs back and pokes himself with a sharp object on accident." Move. Stay alive Pierce." He puts the herbs on the wounds and stops most of the bleeding.

Raja | 4 | mother| m:none Raja looks around see what was going on as she slowly made her way over with her head low since she saw the alpha near and she turns her head sideways before whining as she saw one of the hunters down and hurt and she said " my what happened there " as she knew she was talking to herself but it was loud enough for others to hear at least

Huo|F|heir|M:Cyclone, Rowan After hearing Rowan's order, she had gone through the camp, searching for Cyclone with no avail. She had given up on searching the camp and had came back to Pierce's body. "Rowan, Arrow," Huo bowed. "I can't find Cyclone. If you still need him, I ask permission l leave camp in case he went looking for herbs?"

Demeter | Female | Fighter | M: Rowan, arrow, Huo, Scarlet As Demeter was starting to head out of camp she caught a glimpse of arrow trotting toward her. She turned around and dipped her head for arrow before she could speak. "Demeter, where are you going? Aren't you going to wait for Huo and Scarlet? Rowan assigned you one if you didn't hear" she spoke. "oh I didn't realize how late I am to wake up! I apologize I was going to go for a walk around camp before everyone else woke up, do you know where they are so we could go?" she rubbed her head on her shoulder while speaking to arrow.

Ember⇑Female⇑Heir⇑M: Rowan,Pierce,Scarlett,Alpine Her Father ran back to the camp with everyone following behind him, ember started to but she smelt something, something was off. She went over to the branch and something suddenly hit her how did pierce not hear the branch? He should have he was one of the best hunters, she heard a twig snap she quickly turned in the direction of the noise. What the hell there was a 2 legged creature! she was not brave enough without her pack for this, luckily the creature didn't see her so she snuck back to the territory. - She quickly found her father "Father!" She ran up to him panting. "There...was...a...2 legged creature!" "I didn't know what to do the creature left though and didn't see me." Ember really hoped that was the case but luckily it was, the creature was gone and probably never will be seen again it might have flown of she didn't know anything about them but her pack was safe, it was fine.

Rowan|Male|Alpha Male| M:Huo "No were good for right now I got the herbs from the medic den he should wake up pretty soon." He says to Huo." How was the base anything irregular happening?" Scarlett|F|Fighter|M:Rowan and Huo She runs up to follow Rowan and stays with Pierce to make sure he doesn't loose much more blood."Huo was camp okay no troubles right." Hope you wake up soon Pierce." She nuzzles his neck.

Huo|F|heir|M: Rowan, Scarlett "Camp was fine." Huo answered. "Some more wolves woke up but nothing really happened. It's as normal as it can be with Pierce hurt." Huo's paws itched. Should she ask if they were still going to patrol? After the day's events, she didn't want to anger her father. Yet, if it was needed, she wasn't too tired that she couldn't patrol.