
Rowan|Male|Alpha Male| M:Arrow,Huo,Scarlett "Okay good make sure none I mean none wanders off or gets hurt." He growls at Huo. He says to Scarlett and Arrow"Let's go if we wanna make sure they are alive." Please don't be dead guys.
Scarlett|F|Fighter|M:Arrow,Rowan "Okay let's go I can't wait for some fun adventure of saving wolves it has been awhile partner." She always said it as a joke that Rowan was her partner in saving wolves since he was a good person at heart and if you trust them dearly with your heart.

Pierce | M | Hunter | M: Ember, Rowan He heard Rowan running somewhere but took no notice of it. He couldn't move any of his body parts. He was right in the middle of the thick branch. "Em-be-" he tried to talk but had no luck as he thought about all the air and blood that must be leaving him. He tried to glance around and saw he was lying in a huge puddle of blood.

Ember⇑Female⇑Heir⇑M: Pierce Ember heard Pierce screaming and ran over to him, he was stuck under a fallen branch what could she do? Without hesitation she howled for her pack with all her might, then she tried to move the branch of him. She moved it a bit but it was still stuck.

Raja |5 ( forgot to place her age in my character sheet)| m: none - Raja woke up early and yawns before looking around as she looks out side to see everyone up and about she growled slowly before standing up and walks out of the den stretches before looking away from the other wolfs then looks back in side of the den seeing the little pup she had been laying next to

Alpine | 3 | M | Hunter | Rowan (ind) Pierce (dir) Ember (dir) Alpine was left alone with his thoughts after Rowan apologized. But soon enough he calmed down and forgave Rowan and started making his way to the clearing. Midway to the clearing he could hear a large snap than Embers distressed call. Without hesitation Alpine sprinted past the clearing, paws beating down on the ground as he ran. Soon as he got there to them his ears drooped and he stopped midway at the scene. His eyes widened as stared down at Pierce's body under the tree branch blood cascading in a puddle underneath him. Before he knew it he was ordering Ember to help lift the tree branch. His claws dug into the dirt pushing into the branch with all his might. He wasn't the strongest, nor the biggest, but he tried with all his being. Edited at February 4, 2024 12:06 PM by Lost Rune

Rowan|Male|Alpha Male| M:Scarlett,Alpine,Ember He got to the scene and it was worse than expected."Scarlett Ember both you go to the top of the tree and lift Alpineyou are coming with me and lifting from the bottom." Let's hope this works correctly I don't want anyone to die today. Scarlett|F|Fighter|M:Alpine,Rowan,Ember "You heard him Ember come with me to the top of the branch. Alpine listen to Rowan I know there was a little fight earlier but you still gotta listen to him and plus it's for the good." Let's not die today Pierce you gotta stay with us. Edited at February 4, 2024 12:10 PM by Blaze

Ember⇑Female⇑Heir⇑M: Rowan,Pierce,Scarlett,Alpine Ember listened to her father and everyone clambered about and started to push,pull etc. They were successful but they had to get pierce to the medic asap but how?

Rowan|Male|Alpha Male| M:Pierce, Huo, Cyclone Rowan took Pierce by the scruff and laid him back on his back and ran uphill he knew he could carry Pierce because his parents taught him when he was younger. He got to the main base."Huo get Cyclone this instant he is loosing way to much blood." He didn't wait for Huo to respond he payed down and rolled Pierce off his back. "Shit Pierce don't die on me please you are our greatest hunter don't die."

Pierce | M | Hunter | M: Ember, Rowan He felt the tree being lifted as the wolves tried to pull it off him. How did I not hear the tree branch cracking? He thought as the others lifted the branch until it was almost off of him and he knew he was looking too much blood and if he didn't get to the medic quick enough, he would probably die Hunter the tree in a pool of his own blood. The last he remembered was Rowan grabbing his scruff as he picked up his body and sprinted toward the main base. Edited at February 4, 2024 12:22 PM by Mountain pack (c)

Alpine | 3 | M | Hunter | Rowan (ind) Pierce (dir) Ember (ind) Scarlet (ind) Alpine panted after they managed to get the branch off Pierce. But he wasn't done, so he helped rush Pierce to the medic worriedly pacing back and forth. He couldn't bring his mind off what had happened. He was grateful he got there in time to help. Sighing he sat down ears drooped as he worriedly waited. Edited at February 4, 2024 12:25 PM by Lost Rune