
Huo|female|heir|1y|M: Rowan, Alpine Huo sighed inwardly but didn't let it show outside. "Yes, Rowan." She bowed. "Nothing has happened yet and I hope you have a safe journey and find a possible new den." Huo kept the smile on her face, hoping her father didn't see the feelings inside.

Rowan|Male|Alpha Male| M:Huo "Well have fun here don't go out of the Base/Camp and we'll be all good here." He nuzzles her quickly and said"Hey you good you seem a little off? We will miss you all of us have fun here."

Austur | M | Heir | M: Open He stopped in his tracks, gazing up at... a tree. He shook his head, and padded along.

Alpine | 3 | M | Hunter | Huo (dir) Alpine glared as Rowan forbidded her from leaving, why did Rowan have to ruin everything. He sighed once Rowan left, "Well, I'll help you look after camp. It's the least I can do. I won't let you deal with this pressure alone." Alpine comforted licking Huo over the ear. "If you want I can go catch something for the both of real quick." He offered kindly. Alpine was a really good hunter, it wouldn't take that long to catch something. "Plus your father can't forbid anyone from leaving. We all need food and I don't see any in the pile. How does he think were going to eat if we can't go out and catch anything?" He rambled on eyes rolling.

Ember⇑Female⇑Heir⇑M: Everyone They were all ready to go but Ember couldn't help wondering, if they did move how would they move the food? Ember just wanted to go now she is a very impatient wolf and was kicking the earth which was actually quite fun. She looked over at the other wolves that weren't coming, they all looked nervous but it was going to be fine, right?

Arrow | F | Alpha Female | M: Rowan, Austur, Ember, Scarlett "Austur...... no trees! We're moving now." She shook her head as she looked back to see her son admiring a tree as they past. Why does our son have to be so weird?

Autur | M | Heir | M: Arrow "I was only looking at it. I can live without trees." He mumbled. He padded along with his mother.

Huo|1y|heir|female|M: Alpine, Rowan Huo nodded as her father and the others left. She turned back to Alpine. "That would be lovely. I'm sure the scouting party would love a meal when they get back and surely the pack's hungry." She looked around. "You can bring someone if you want to, but I'm sure you can handle this yourself if you want."

Falcon |m|delta |m:Open Falcon walks around making sure no one take off or anything and to make sure the camp was safe as he walks he smelled a strange smell a human smell no just a little one a bit one like there was a lot of humans around he growls - Raja|f|mother|m:Open Raja lays down again as she whines before she watches them even watching Falcon he was up on something and she wanted to know if there was something going on

Alpine | 3 | M | Hunter | Huo (dir) Alpine nodded before disappearing into the forest ears alert and nose searching for any scent. Sighing as he focused his mind was left wandering, he had a mate now, he felt a surge to stand by Huo no matter what. Eyes darted to the bushes stopping in his tracks he squinted. A young deer probably lost her herd was shivering and hiding in the bushes. It looked decent enough to feed 2 to 3 wolves. Crouching down he trekked closer to the bushes eyes locked on the unaware deer. Before he knew it he was feet above the ground jaws wide and fangs glinting in the sun. The deer shrieked but it was too late his fangs hooked into her neck, body crushing her. Blood painted his fangs and his snout but now he had something to present to his pack now. Using his strength he dragged the young deer back to the camp taking short breaks to rest. As soon as he reached the camp he called out to Huo and any remaining pack members, "I caught food!" Alpines tail was thumping the ground happily he had something to give his new mate something to prove he would care for her no matter what.