
Relic His ears perked, he woke from his sleep. He eagerly ran out from his den howling loudly full of excitement. His howl rang throughout the large area caring far and wide. His tail overly wagged, he had found someone, he wouldn't be alone. He didn't seem to care if the wolf was female or male, he was grateful at least they were howling back. He ran across the forest bolting out into the middle of the prairie, he howled once more eagerly. His pelt prickled with excitement. Edited at September 1, 2023 01:53 AM by Rune pack

Dagger . Dagger heard the excited howl. Then a bird flew in a hurry, Catching his attention. Another howl that sounded weird, like he was howling and running at the same time. He stood up majestically; his long fur Swished in the wind. His dark eyes focused on the forest as his pupils narrowed. His claws were so long it looked like it was digging into the ground. He stood, then howled a howl lower then the last one, Once again the pebbles rattled, and the ground shook aggressively.

Relic He stood on a mound of dirt in the wide prairie, his tail wagging eagerly as he lifted his head up howling back with emotion inviting them closer. He sat on the mound watching the large area for movement. He was eager to meet someone else for what seemed forever since his pack was split up. His tail thumped the ground as he let out a low woof, waiting for any sign of someone else responding. His ears suddenly pinned back, he wasn't aware of weather their howls were aggressive or friendly. He realized he could loose his territory due to his blindness. He shook his head howling a deep song from his throat stating his friendliness to the unknown wolf. Edited at September 1, 2023 08:17 PM by Rune pack

Fallow Her paws covered her ears as she woke up, "Who in the moonlight hell is howling!?" She thought as she snarled, she was highly irritated. Unlike her usual kindness, she HATED being woken up. She raised her head growling as she sat up watching the forest, just past her view almost she saw him, a male wolf. Her eyes widened as she examined him. She recognized him. Suddenly she raised her head, a howl emerged from her throat full of beautiful singing. Surely he'd remember his own sisters howl. She wasn't going to rush in despite her want. She knew he may not recognize her and could potentially hurt her.

Relic His ears raised towards his left, he heard a familiar howl, different from the deep howl the other wolf had. This howl was beautiful, he suddenly remembered that howl. He was struck as he sprinted into the forest to his left eagerly. He stopped as he spotted the small female wolf. He bolted towards her with his tail waging crazily as he playfully let her knock him down. Edited at September 1, 2023 10:53 PM by Rune pack

Fallow&Relic They wrestled for a second enjoying their reunion. Soon enough they touched noses and sat down, "Brother who were you howling at?" Fallow asked curiously. Relics ears perked remembering them, "I don't know, they kind of just howled back. I've been lonely since our pack was attacked." He stated. Fallow licked behind his ear wagging her tail, "Its okay, at least were together now." She comforted him as they raised their heads howling in harmony. Their singing howls shook wind as the trees danced with grace. The far prairie sang along as the crickets chirped and birds sang. The two wolves rested their heads on each others shoulders. "We should meet this wolf, we could all be a small pack!" She barked eagerly. Relic wagged his tail enjoying his sisters playfulness, "I suppose your right. We should eat first, you must be hungry." He stated. "I am hungry. Its been a far travel from Singing Creeks." She barked back. "Great follow me the elk herds not very far away." He woofed as he ran through the trees and into the large meadow, He saw the elk herd grazing on the flowery hill. His tail pointed at the herd for his sister, his sister nodded as she stalked into the tall grass, she sneaked up on a young stag not fully grown. She leaped at the elk clamping her jaws around his leg and tugging. Relic bolted at the elk biting at its side as it tried to run but failed to due to his Relic's weight. The elk kicked at fallow but missed her size made her hard to kick. Relic let go and bit into its throat and tugging. The elk fell as he was pulled onto the ground. Relic bit deeper into the elks throat ending it swiftly. Relic rose his head and howled victoriously, his sister joined in as they howled bravely as in announcing their kill. Fallow eagerly tore into the elk eating viciously at it. Relic dug into the food eating with pride.

Dagger . He heard another howl, and it felt like a female wolf. The enormous wolf stood up, Standing around 4 feet tall, His eyes narrowed as he began looking for the two wolves. He ran around the whole territory, then stopped at a meadow, The grass was marked. He knew he couldn't be there. " Oh no, I can sense wolves around me." Dagger said to himself. But nobody made a move, since he was an abnormal size of a wolf. He snorted, Making the grass flow across the plains. Then made a loud, In trouble Bark, echoing through-out the whole area. "They aren't wolves. I don't know what they are, but i'm in some pretty god damned trouble." He thought as the predators took a step back. " I thought wolves were at the top of the food chain. " He thought again. Continuing a Threatening snarl. Then he heard a wolf approach, an unknown wolf...

Zara ~ "Someones in trouble- A male, I can tell from his low voice." Zara flinched when the bark startled her. Man thats LOUD, that came from like miles away! She thought. I need to save them. She started to walk slowly, then quickly made that turn into a very quick run. Mountain lions She realized. A whole PACK of them her eyes widened and she stepped back, Her heart racing with fear. "We can't fight 18 of them if its only two of us! Oh no no no no no..." She Pinned her ears, and tucked her tail under her legs, She was scared half to death. If she howled, they would hunt her and not him. Alright, duck, and sneak to where he is, then pop up and howl my loudest. She thought. She approuached the giant wolf, with caution, he could mistaken her for the enemy. Wierd, He didn't show one sign he was scared. Zara examined in awe. She listened to his heart beat, she had impeccible hearing. It was THUMP . . . Thump. . . Thump. . . Normal, How was he not scared? She approached the giant wolf without hesitation and howled, a very soul-fully and beatiful howl. Her vocal cords pulsed and made that amazing howl.

Dagger . He saw a beautiful wolf sneak up by his side and howl. "Wow, she's pretty." He thought. He howled With her, If she was doing her loudest, He was sure he would do His loudest. He started howling, Shaking the ground like a earthquake. The unknown predators snarled, It seemed she knew what they were. That snarl sounded like a feline. He howled deeper, and louder, & louder, & louder, & Much, Much Louder. Shaking the trees from a mile away, and for much more miles. The loud howl startled other unknown wolves from a different region.

Zara . "ahh!" She yelped and turned her howl into a yelp. Full of embarressment, She Raised her hair on her back, and snarled. Her teeth were white as a pearl. Ready to get them stained with blood. Her purple eyes looked like they were glowing, but they weren't. Finnaly- One Mountain lion Leaped at Zara, Landing on her back. "Get off me!" She yelled, and chomped on the lion. Her Torso was bleeding heavily, She got pinned to the ground. "oof!" She yelped with her eyes closed.