~ Student Handbook ~
1. Curfew is at 10:00 PM every night. Students are required to be in their dorms at this time and wondering around their respected houses is not permitted.
2. No riding after sunset on the trails or XC courses. Riding in the arenas is accepted under the watch of an instructor.
3. Do not enter the opposite gender's dorms. Stay in common areas.
4. Pictures of the academy are not permitted and none should be posted to any social media sites.
5. ALL riders are required to wear a helmet while riding in the arenas, trails, and XC courses.
6. NO Phones are allowed while sessions are in progress. They are to be kept in dorms or lockers at all times unless otherwise is stated.
Failure to adhere to the handbook will result in sever disciplinary action or potential dismissal from the academy.
This will be something new I would like to try. When your character is looking up something in the handbook, you as the WP player will ask in the discussion thread and we can agree on the right rules. Preferably do this before you post about them referencing the handbook. The handbook will play an important role in the story as you will see later on. I'm doing this because I cannot make one up that covers everything. I will add rules we come up with to the discussion thread that will be pinned. : )
Many of the academy's rules will be vague, useless, and hard to follow at times. They are not meant to make sense which adds to the intrigue and mystery. The academy's rules parallel to our inability to make solid rules that are constant due to the nature of this being a multiplayer forum RP :D .
This is not meant to degrade anyone's ability to actually make good rules, it is just an easier way to include players and a lazy way for me to make academy rules up.
If that makes any sense at all…