I am back with more angst quotes, oops-
You get a taste of some of the new characters angst though, so that's fun! I don't know your new characters super well, so I mostly just included Ovid and Faust ones of them, but I shall have more of them all when I know them better, lol
Enjoy, lmao
Akira; “When you face the kind of threats we have, there’s going to be some collateral damage.”
Bernard, referencing Nico and how he’s changed; “My sibling is gone because of this! Is she collateral damage?”
*Undine is AFAB, btw. They had a crush on someone and it ended very poorly, especially after their mother found out*
Undine's mother, lifting Undine's chin, forcing them to look at her: "She's a princess, and you're a monster! That's something no amount of performance is ever going to change."
Undine, holding back tears: "But... I love her!"
Undine's mother, unsympathetic, sighing in disappointment: "If you really love her, you'll let her go."
Akira, snapping at Nico: "I mean, how could you possibly be this useless?!"
Akira, after a pause where Nico looked away: "What?!"
Nico, quietly: "You're a bad friend..."
Marz, before he met the current group, wounded, snapping at an old friend who ran after him: "I told you not to come back! But you just love feeling like a hero, don't you?!"
Pippa (one of Marz's old friends), clearly upset: "You'd rather I left you here to die?!"
Marz, snapping back: "What do you care?! I know you all hate me!"
Pippa, tearing up: "I never hated you!"
Marz, looking away: "Then you're even dumber than I thought."
Undine, standing at their mothers grave: "My mother..."
Marz, who tagged along to make sure Undine was safe and didn't do anything stupid (also because he was the first one Undine opened up to at all): "Your mother locked you in a freezer in the basement to punish you."
Undine, tearing up: "She didn't used to..."
*In an alternate T8P timeline*
Ubel, grinning at Akira, Revan, Ingall, and Bernard who, after almost a year of searching only just found the Plies hideout where they were keeping Nico, with Nico leaning against a wall beside him, looking away and dressed in revealing clothing with a crown on her head and a mouth still sewn shut, now named the "queen of the Plies": "He was convinced you were going to come and rescue him. Of course, you never came, and he gave up on you!"
Narin's mother: "You do not act like this, you do not sound like this, you are not half-human, you are just... acting like a child!"
Narin, who's been barely holding it together this entire time: "I am a child. What's your excuse?"
Jordan (one of Undine's exes), rolling their eyes as a half-clothed Undine pushes themself to the other side of the bed, tears streaming down their cheeks: "You are so fucking boring! Hey! I'm going to be honest with you since no one else will. Anyone who says they're interested in you beyond just fucking you? Is full of shit."
Faust, looking at his adopted/foster brother, Jueun: "But... what if you die and I'm still here?"
Jueun, who's sick and knows he won't make it much longer, ruffling Faust's hair: "Well then you'll be all grown up, and you won't need me anymore!"
Faust, shaking his head and hugging Jueun tightly: "I think I'll always need you..."
And now some nicer ones because I feel bad, lol
*The gang doing something stupid while Marz tries to keep everyone in line*
Marz, grabbing Ovid's hand: "We just back the fu-"
Ovid, grinning: "Mama didn't raise no fucking bitch, we keep going!"
Faust, grabbing on to Ovid's arm: "No, no, no, mama raised a bitch! Let's go!"
Ondine, in the background: "Mama didn't raise nobody, actually, my mom's dead."
Marz, concerned but also trying not to laugh: "Oh my god-"
Ovid, after learning about anxiety, supporting Faust through a breakdown: "Did you know you can't feel your tongue when you smile?"
*Faust looks up in confusion and, after a moment, attempts to figure out if it's true or not, resulting in a smile*
Ovid, grinning and sitting down in front of Faust, opening his arms for a hug, which Faust accepts: "Got you! Aww, look how cute you are smiling! Smile more, silly, it looks good on you!"
Nico, to Garvin, leaning against him while they talk: "You're not a burden just because you have needs! Even a tree has needs! Sure, it takes up space, but it gives us air! We need that! And we need you! What do you think you are, a rock?! NO! You're a living and breathing and growing human being! Of course you have needs! So don't be so hard on yourself, sometimes you gotta ask for a little bit of help. Okay? Love you!"
Nico, bursting through the door, nearly shouting: "I bought a pressure washer!"
Revan, who's sitting on the couch and has a sleeping Ingall's head in his lap, looking up: "Shhh."
Nico, lowering his voice: "I bought a pressure washer!"
Revan, smiling: "Yeah? Wow!"
Nico, practically bouncing in excitement: "Are you excited about it?"
Revan, brushing his fingers through Ingall's hair, holding back a laugh: "Sure."
Ovid, who's making toast for Faust, arguing about how the toaster totally does not scare them: "I know I'm making you toast, like-"
*The toast finishes and pops out, Ovid jumps at the sound*
Faust, grinning to himself, knowing what just happened without looking up: "Did the toaster scare you again?"
Ovid, straightening himself out, pretending nothing happened: "NO!"
*Leiani brings home her first boyfriend*
Leiani, over her shoulder to her boyfriend as she leaves to go grab something: "I'll be right back!"
Boyfriend, happily: "Okay!"
Akira, crossing their arms and glaring daggers at this kid: "Hey. Yeah, you! You break her heart, I'll cut your dick off!"
Leiani, returning to the room: "I'm back!"
Boyfriend: *Scream of pure terror*
*Just Faust being dyslexic, lmao*
Faust, trying to explain something to Ovid: "If our lightning gets struck by car I'm gonna be so pissed off."
Ovid, looking over in pure confusion: "If our... if our- huh?"
Faust, clueless: "What?"
Ovid, just very confused: "Try that again?"
Faust, just as confused: "If our lightning gets struck by car then I'm gonna be so pissed off!"
Ovid, slightly teasing now, but mostly just confused: "Is our car called lightning now?"
Faust, still clueless and confused: "No? If our lightning gets struck by car... wait, what?!"
Ovid, giggling: "Are you okay?!"
Faust, trying to correct himself: "Sorry! If our car gets struck by car then I'm gonna be so pissed off."
Ovid, laughing: "What?! If our car gets struck by car?"
Faust, getting frustrated: "I mean! What is wrong with me?! If our car gets struck by lightning-"
Ovid, grinning and patting Faust's shoulder: "There you go!"
*Just Marz being the best*
Marz, comforting Undine after a breakdown: "You know what? You did such a great job! Hey, hey, look at me, look at me. Hey, hey, look at me, I'm very proud of you. I'm very, very proud of you."
Nico, to Ingall, holding out a sucker: "Look! This one's a heart! That's how I feel about you!"
Ingall: *Overwhelmed with happy emotions he doesn't know how to express*
Garvin, grabbing a sucker and turning to Revan: "Look! This one's like Michigan! That's how I feel about you!"
Revan, confused: "What does that mean?!?!"
*Faust and Ovid see a turtle swimming while hanging out*
Faust, excitedly pointing: "Woah! A turtle!!"
Ovid, blinking: "That's a tortoise."
Faust, looking over in confusion: "That's a turtle."
Ovid, doubling down: "That's a tortoise."
Faust, getting annoyed about his best friend questioning his reptile knowledge when he's literally obsessed with reptiles: "That's a fucking turtle! I just made a diarama on reptiles, I know everything about them! That's a fucking turtle!"