
Name: Liath Meaning grey or grey-haired Age: 4 years Gender: Female Weight: 102 lbs Appearance:  Credits: Iamidaho The meaning of her name is puts into perspective what the color of her coat is. She is an even shade of gray through her her body, making her a particularly advantageous hunter in the winter months but still able to work well all the way into fall. Her fur appears lighter in the cold when her fur takes on the longest length of the year. While darkening throughout spring as she sheds the thick coat and remaining dark until traces of fall begin to arise. She is quite heavy for a female wolf, a characteristic she likely inherited from her father, who had pack relations. Her muscle mass allows her to skillfully hunt the fastest of rabbits. She is alright in a group setting but can sometimes get confused. Despite her muscular physique it doesn’t slow her much and provides explosiveness in her gait. Personality: Liath is an extremely loyal wolf to her pack, feeling indebted to them as they took her in as a pup, willing to do anything to ensure the continued longevity and safety of them. She does have a nature of reservation though, sometimes wondering off or slipping into the shadows to observe some occurrence or situation rather then confronting a threat immediately and head on without thought. Calculating and cunning she carries herself with a soft air of grace from the pride she has to be a fully fledged hunter after her early struggles with the stalking. She is also possessive coming from her loyalty, the need to defend the territory and the wolves she deems as her family. Her empathy only won with time and careful thought when you first meet her she may seem exceptionally ruthless. She appreciates her personal space and will be quick to demonstrate so if the situation calls for it. Overall she airs on the side of more dominant characteristics. Story: She was not born into the Mountain Pack as some may be inclined to believe. Liath’s mother was a loner, exiled from her own pack for something she did not do but the blame was placed on her. The timeline is very muddled but at some point she had a run in with another pack as she was starving and had found a kill, not knowing that it had been left for later use. She had narrowly escaped but in the process met a male that promised to keep her safe, he listened to her story and considered her worth the effort. It wasn’t love at first, with him thinking that with time she could make an excellent warrior for the benefit of the pack but slowly it morphed into it. The pair would meet often but soon horror struck the male’s pack and he had to leave her. She had not been inclined to find herself a new pack at the time so pair agreed to part ways. So the mother set off by herself, eventually settling in the Mountains Pack’s territory and giving birth to a small litter of pups. Only one made it after the first few weeks but the mother had been chased away while foraging and without the knowledge of her young being present anywhere. When Liath was found she was cold and on the verge of death, but the pack kindly took her in for the time and soon treated as one of their own. She went through training to become a hunter and proved her worth with her first hunt alone. Pack: The Moutain Pack Rank: Hunter Other: -Relationships- Mother: Loner (location/name unknown) Father: Unknown Crush: N/A (Open) Mate: N/A Edited at January 18, 2023 11:27 AM by Zodiac


Name: Saint Age: 3 in a half Gender: Male Weight:120Ibs Appearance: Saint is a black wolf with one ear and he is half blind due to some problems that happend when he was a pup. He has two different colored eyes his left eye is red and his right eye is blue. He also has a large scar along his left side. Personality: He's a mean wolf towards pup. Story: Born into the world with 6 siblings all died due to a bear attack when they were pups because they got a little to adventurus. Pack: The Mountain Pack Rank: Beta.

May I do one more role but for Omega in The Mountain Pack

Name: Shyla Age: Newborn (Pup) Gender: Female Weight: 1 lbs Appearance:  Coloring Credits to the pack Yukon's Castle
Personality: Developing Story: A pup born into the Mountain Pack in the middle of Winter. Her mother is Saige, a scout of the pack, and she is the sister of Aashvi. (Developing) Pack: Mountain Pack Rank: Pup Other: Edited at January 20, 2023 11:42 AM by Zodiac

Edited at January 20, 2023 11:39 AM by Zodiac

Name:Ember Age:4 years old Gender:Female Weight:Eighty pounds Apperence:Embry is a light grey wolf with bright blue eyes, She has a scar on Her left cheek and one that creases on Her back leg, She is also pure blind but finds Her way around with Her scent. Personality:Embry is very laid back and only gets annoyed if You try and play with Her, She dislikes the flirtyness She gets by pack males and outside males. Story:Embry was the first born of Talon and the second born of Ráðgríðr, She joined Her father's pack for a better life but soon that ended when She became pregnant by Seth a wolf from The Mountain Pack, She ended up running away and joining Her mother's pack. Pack:The Mountain Pack Rank:Omega Mother:Ráðgríðr/Alpha female of Mountain Pack Father:Talon/Alpha male of River Pack Siblings:Wolke, Aspen and Phantom Relationship Status:Single Mate:Open for one Crush:None Exes:None Offspring:One named Zena from an outside mountain pack male named Seth while She was in The River Pack Other:Pregnant by a mountain pack male named Sam Fate:To be decided Note:She is just a side wolf so I won't really be using Her much

Name: Willow Age: 3 Gender: Female Weight: 110 story: willow is a wolf who has spent most of her life as a loner. She was born into a pack, but when she was just a few months old, her pack was attacked by a group of rival wolves. Willow was separated from her family and forced to fend for herself. Since then, she has lived on her own, surviving in the wilderness by hunting and scavenging. Appearance: Willow is a small wolf, but what she lacks in size, she makes up for in agility and speed. She is able to run and jump with incredible grace, and is a skilled hunter who is able to take down prey much larger than herself. Willow is also an excellent tracker, and is able to follow prey for miles using her keen sense of smell. Despite her tough exterior, Willow has a soft side. She is known to be gentle and nurturing with the younger animals she encounters. She has a particular soft spot for orphaned pups and will often take them under her wing, caring for them until they are old enough to fend for themselves. Personality: Willow is also very curious and loves to explore new places. She is always on the lookout for new sights and smells, and is not afraid to take risks to satisfy her curiosity. However, Willow can be very wary of strangers and will not hesitate to defend herself if she feels threatened. She is also very stubborn and will not back down from a challenge. Despite her independent nature, Willow longs for companionship and often wonders what it would be like to be part of a pack. However, she is afraid to trust others and keeps her distance from other wolves. She has had many opportunities to join other packs, but has always turned them down, preferring to live on her own. willow is a complex and multifaceted wolf, with many layers to her personality. She is a survivor, a protector, and a nurturer, all rolled into one. pack: None rank: loner other: crush: N/A mate: N/A Edited at April 27, 2023 01:25 PM by E N J O Y