
Night - F - Wolf - M: Ace,Wander - "Can I come with you? My work here is done. Selene might need some space." I wag my tail and beg with my eyes. I nose is cloged from the scent of blood. I am itching to hunt.

Wander | F | Black German Sheperd | M: Night, Ace, Osprey, Tanager - "Sure. The smell in here is too strong. And I've always hated large amounts of blood..." Wander bends her head and picks up Tanager, setting him outside.

Ace | Border Collie + German Shepherd | Male/M: whomevever I cough again reminding them I'm here and I look towards a scared Luna and a horrified Hawk." Take those to with you. They shouldn't experience this." I say to Wander and Night

Wander | F | Black German Sheperd | M: Night, Ace, Osprey, Tanager, Hawk, Luna (Don't mind me swiching to first-person... 😐) - "I agree. They've already seen enough." I grab Hawk by the scruff and set him next to Osprey and Tanager.

Night - F - Wolf - M: Ace,Wander - I grasp Luna by the scruff. Setting the young pup out of the camp, I scent the air. I can still smell blood, but I can breath. Edited at May 15, 2024 08:51 AM by Bobcat

Selene | Female | Red Fox | M: MEH "Go ahead, your father will be okay, but we need you to go outside for a bit, okay? Play with you cousins and auntie" I tell Hawk and Luna, I notice the looks on their faces and sigh. I crouch beside them and whisper "We'll be okay. You're grown up and strong now, i trust you can take care of yourselved now. I need you to be brave. Can you do that for me?" I say to them, and then follow wander an night outside. I go and sitdown next to Ace, ignoring the blood on the floor. "Night says you'll be okay" I say to Ace "but you can't keep living like this. We need to find a cure. SparrowHawk is on it, I think" I say, wondering where he went. "Want to drink something?" I ask him, tilting my head slightly

Juniper | M | Chital Deer | M: Ace Juniper sighed with relief when Ace (at least partially) recovered. He hoped he would be okay for a while, but if there was one thing he knew about blackcough, it was that it was relentless. He walked up to Ace and stood a few paces away. "Mind if I join you?"
Pandora | F | Ball Python | M: Ace, Wander, Juniper Pandora watched the new dog leave camp to hunt. Another canine, she thought. Well, there were more important things to worry about than that.
She moved closer to Ace, trying to see if he was alright. She was surprised to find Juniper there. She flicked her tongue, and Ace still smelled of blood and sickness. She sighed worriedly. "I want to stay here too, if that's alright." She and Ace weren't particularly close, but they were groupmates now. It would be horrible if something happened to him.

Ace | Border Collie + German Shepherd | Male/M: whomevever I look towards the snake and the deer and smile." Yeah you guys can join." I say hoarsely from yelling at Spsrrow and I lay down falling into a restless sleep

Juniper | M | Chital Deer | M: Ace, Pandora Juniper layed down near Ace. He felt bad, but he kept his distance in case it was contagious. Juniper hadn't spent a lot of time with Pandora yet. She was pretty quiet compared to a lot of the others. He listened to Ace's breathing for a bit, and it seemed relatively steady.
He still wanted to get marjoram, fennel, and oregano for Ace's cough, but of the animals had already left camp, and he suspected that Pandora wouldn't be able carry much. He sighed. Ace was okay for now, he supposed. It could probably wait.
Pandora | F | Ball Python | M: Ace Pandora moved closer and curled up. Since Ace seemed alright for now, Pandora decided to focus on other things. The council had yet to be assembled, and she wasn't sure who would join. Nightingale and Selene seemed likely. Maybe Sparrowhawk would too. She would've bet on Ace before the cough, but now she wasn't too sure.
There were a lot of canines in the group, too, which Pandora wasn't too fond of. They were even calling the group a pack. She couldn't really see Bai or Juniper joining the council, and she wasn't keen on the hard work and responsibility it would require. But at the same time, she didn't want the group to be completely run by canines. Maybe she would join, after all. It wouldn't be so bad, since she'd be sharing the responsibility with others.

Update A few weeks after the last whole disaster, the survivors have been surviving by luck. Due to recent thunderstorms and minor earthquakes, most of the prey in the area have scattered or died underneath the fallen trees. The survivors are worried, they have been forced to stay in the cave and pray that there are no forest fires or floods for the past few days. Ace has been getting worse. His recent attacks of blackcough have been servere, and nightingale and juniper only just managed to calm him in time. The team fears that if they don't cure him soon, the entire camp will become infected by the end of the month. Selene and Sparrowhawk have already started coughing a lot recently. - Currently; The survivors are hiding in the cave while a storm rages outside. Trees are falling, and thunder and lightning fill the sky. They are cold, and hungry. They haven't eaten in the past few days, and the storm does not show any sign of stopping any time soon. This causes concern amongst them and they have gotten cranky from being stuck in the cave together. They are grateful for the stream in the cave, but being unable to leave the cave might become a problem. Resources are running low, and tensions are rising. Leaving the cave to hunt is a suicide mission, and they have enough herbs to stop another few of Ace's blackcough attacks. What if they run out? What if the pups starve? What if THEY starve? What about forest fires? What are they going to do?