
Sparrowhawk/M/Collie/German Shepherd/M: ____ "Oh shit." He cursed. He hadn't meant to cuss in front of the pups, but now... "Everyone, LISTEN! STOP YAPPING! I need to focus." He closed his eyes, snarling deep in his throat as he tried to remember. Fennel? Mint? What was it?! He couldn't let Ace die. He had to concentrate... there was no real cure. Only Catmint and time. And one more thing. One last chance. Willow bark. It was mostly for mild fevers and such, but if Ace ate a lot... it would either kill him or save him. Sparrow spun on his heel and ran, remembering where Willow trees were, running to save his brother, not even caring about the shocked glances that had followed his outburst. Osprey/M/Collie-German Shepherd-Wolf/M: _____
The pup yelped in shock at his father's words, pressing himself to the ground nervously. He was scared, so scared at how Ace was coughing, and just at everything. Sparrowhawk had seemed so scared... his father hadn't seemed like an easily scared wolf. He yipped, curling close to the other pups, and tried not to shiver.

Ace | Border Collie + German Shepherd | Male/M: whomevever My voice starts to work." Yes ma'am." I say quietly and cough again." SPARROW DON'T YOU DARE YELL AT MY PUPS." I yell to him before he rushes out of camp and I'm left there still coughing

Wander | F | Black German Sheperd | M: Night, Ace, Selene, Sparrowhawk, Osprey - Wander steps closer to Osprey. "Its okay. Everyone will get better soon..." She glaced warily at the others as Sparrowhawk ran out. "He's just trying to help them..."

Night - F - Wolf - M: Selene, Ace, Sparrow, Wander - "Labrador Tea!" I say. I rush to the herbs. Where is it? There it is. I rush out and chew it. I spit it out and place it on Ace's chest. That should help him breath.

(Sorry for the late reply!) Juniper | M | Chital Deer | M: Ace, Group Juniper stopped talking to the pups immediately and ran towards Ace. A large puddle of blood was at his paws. This is bad. "If any of you could get fennel, marjoram, and oregano, it'd be a huge help," Juniper said. That would at least temporarily reduce the cough. And after this, Ace would need to stay hydrated.
Pandora | F | Ball Python | M: Ace, Wander Pandora quickly left her spot and moved towards Ace, concerned. She stayed a distance away from him, not wanting to interfere with the herbalists' work. She wanted to tell herself that Ace would be fine and calm herself down, but could she really guarantee that, even to herself?
She wondered what could've made him sick. When the disaster first started, and everything began crashing down, there was a lot of black dust in the air. Could breathing that in have started a cough that was only recently taking hold? It had only been a few days since the disaster.
She looked away from Ace and flicked her tongue. She noticed a new dog here. When had she arrived?

Wander | F | Black German Sheperd | M: Night, Ace, Selene, Sparrowhawk, Osprey, Pandora - Wander cocked her head at the snake curiously. "Why is there a snake here...?" She looked at Selene. Wander padded toward the snake. "Do you live here? I'm Wander."

Pandora | F | Ball Python | M: Wander "I do. I'm Pandora," she said. This really wasn't the time for introductions. Not with Ace sick the way he was. Then again, her focusing on Ace wouldn't do much. The healers would be the only ones who could really help.

Wander | F | Black German Sheperd | M: Night, Ace, Selene, Sparrowhawk, Osprey, Pandora - Wander dipped her head quickly troted back to the pups. She shook her head and slowly padded into the den. "How is he?" She asked Night, who seemed exausted.

Night - F - Wolf - M: Ace,Wander - "I'm not really sure. He'll live." I let my tail flop as I let the herb work. Where did Sparrow go? He is so trouble. Calming my breathing, I nuzzle Tanager. I like the top of his head and whisper to him to let Ace sleep.

Wander | F | Black German Sheperd | M: Night, Ace, Osprey, Tanager - "I can take Tanager out with Osprey. To give you some space to work." Wander sat down and swished her tail. She gazed at the pool of blod. It reminded her of the time her family died by the earthquake and flood. how the water had turned dark red and was up to her neck.