
Selene | F | Red Fox | M: Hawk I yelp with surprise as I feel something on my neck. I realise it's Hawk and start to act like I was hurt "Oh no! You got me!" I say, laying down dramatically "Hawk is the best stalker ever!" I moan and wink at him. "Now I will get you!" I say and pounce on him. I catch him in my paws and snuggle him close. "Cuddle attack!" I say, and let him go. I feel a little hungry, so I walk away quietly to go get a small snack to eat.

Ace | Border Collie + German Shepherd | Male/M: whomevever I look at where Selene is going and follow her." Hey dear." I whisper to her and nuzzle her neck." How are you? I noticed you haven't really come to see me since I've been sick." I whine

Selene | Female | Red Fox | M: Ace I jump as I hear something behind me, and my body becomes tense. I relax when I realise it's Ace. "Hey Ace" I say "Oh no! I don't mean to- it's just- the pups- and and blackcough- I want you to be okay-" I growl in irritation. Why can't I SPEAK PROPERLY! I take a deep breath and lean into him, "I'm sorry. It's just. It all is happening so fast I can't keep up" I sigh. "I love you, you know that right? Whatever happens to you, I will be here" I say to him.

Sparrowhawk/M/Collie/German Shepherd/M: ____ His ears perked as Ace spoke. "A game? Sure, I suppose..." he smiled, his silver eyes gleaming with interest. What game? And would his pups play it with them? He remembered leading a bunch of games as a pup, was this like that?

Ace | Border Collie + German Shepherd | Male/M: whomevever I smile a bit before coughing away from her and stopping in my tracks so she isn't to close and I cough again." I'm aware of that. I love you too and I don't want you to have this it's horrible. I should probably and go tell Sparrow or Night about it. Since I'm coughing again." I cough and lay down I start to hacking

Selene | Female | Red Fox | M: Ace, Night, Sparrow I looked at Ace in concern. He seemed to be getting worse suddenly. This couldn't be a good sign. I call for Night and Sparrow to come quickly. I don't know what happening to him. He should be okay, right? Night will know what to do! "Night!" I call again, crouching beside him, terrified.

Night - F - Wolf - M: Selene, Ace, Sparrow - I race to Selene's voice. "What happened?" I say frantically. Is it my pups? I see Ace coughing on the floor. "Ace!" I look over him. No cuts, just coughs.

Ace | Border Collie + German Shepherd | Male/M: whomevever I start coughing up a lot of blood trying to breath but my airways are closing. I'll survive I know I will I'm not gonna abandon my pups not now not ever. I keep coughing and look over at Night

Wander | F | Black German Sheperd | M: Night, Ace, Selene, Sparrowhawk - Wander trots into the camp with a rabbit dangling in her mouth. The camp is full of the sound of coughing. She sets her rabbit down and pads over to the den with the coughing. "Whats going on? I've been out hunting all day."

Night - F - Wolf - M: Selene, Ace, Sparrow - I know an herb the help wolves breath, but I am blanking. I skirt around the black blood. "Ace, yell something loudly. It will help." It will help clear his lungs.