
Nightingale - F - Wolf - M: -_- - "Sure Ace." I say. I nuzzle Hawk and Luna. I can reach the herb pile, so I attempt to juice the fennel. I chew some mint after so no one is repulsed by bad breath.

Juniper | M | Chital Deer | M: Blaze "Thanks, Blaze! These will be really helpful," he told her. He was still a little nervous around the little fox, but being friendly had helped him with Ace, hadn't it?

Ace | Border Collie + German Shepherd | Male/M: whomevever I smile at Hawk and Night." Your adorable with the pups. Probably mother instincts." I say and lay down looking at Selene again and whine." Much appreciated Night."

Sparrowhawk/M/Collie/German Shepherd/M: Ace He had meant to answer Ace, he had, but he'd been a bit more focused on trying to appear calm and level-headed to the group. He knew that there was almost no chance of a singular leader at the moment, even if that leader had to rely on a council. So, he rose, and shook out that ash-silver coat, blinking at the dirt that stung his stunning silver eyes. He walked over to Night, sitting down with kingly grace and elegance. "Hello." He smiled, barely, and tried to hide his wince as Tanager leapt up and landed on his back, sliding those pup-claws down his back. Ow. Anyway, back to joining the meeting. Maybe, even though he had the unpopular opinion, he would be able to find a compromise.

Hawk| Male| Gray Wolf? I look around and hop on Night tackling her. I bark and fall off." Are you my aunt?" I ask her surprised I can speak a sentence since I'm just a pup Luna|Female|Gray Wolf? I look at Hawk and smile doing the same with Sparrow jumping on him and toppling him over

Sparrowhawk/M/Collie/German Shepherd/M: Ace He jumped as Luna hit him, and tripped on his claw, falling down. "Oh, you got me!" He groaned dramatically, waving his paws in the air wildly. "I'm dead. You killed me! Ohhhhh." He flopped his head to the side, grinning at the pup happily. Tanager yipped, pushing at him nose with a small paw. His pup. So cute! Luna was a beautiful little thing as well, and he nuzzled her gently, giving her a firm lick on the cheek before sitting up and facing the meeting again, his expression serious but his nose still crinkled in a smile. Osprey/M/ Wolf-German Shepherd-Collie/M: Doesn't know names He yipped with excitement. Play! But his mother-he mustn't get in trouble. Especially since his father was right there, and looked serious. He hadn't really met his father, but he knew the scent, and how his mother-wolf acted around the silver male? He assumed he was right. But that was enough thinking, preferably for the next several years. He rolled over, whining, confused at how much thinking his little brain had just done.

Hawk| Male| Gray Wolf I look over at Osprey my cousin and smile plopping over beside him and licking his nose. I lay my head on his neck and grin grooming him Ace | Border Collie + German Shepherd | Male/M: whomevever "So Sparrow." I say and walk up to him sitting down and watching the meeting." What do my pups call you and Night? Just by names or do you want them to call you Aunt and Uncle?" I say and look back at Osprey and Hawk. I laugh slightly and my smile grows

Nightingale - F - Wolf - M: -_- - "I vote Auntie." I say. I nudge my pups forward. "Go play." I shift from laying to sitting. - Tanager - M - WolfDog - M: -_- - I bounce up to My cuzins. I bonk my nose on Osprey and leap away.

Selene | Female | Red Fox | M: ^^ I laugh as the pups bounce around energetically, blurting out random words they picked up. I'm so glad they are growing so fast! I lay down next to night and roll over onto my back, "You're family now," I grin at her. We're going to be an amazing team! I think, Oh wait! We already are! I tackle Ace playfully, "Never run away without telling me again!" I say with mocking seriousness. "Or I will eat you!" I say, and the pups gasp "And I will eat you too!" I say to them, and chase them, going slow on purpose so they have some fun. Osprey and Luna were surprisingly fast, but Tanager and Hawk weren't far behind.

Ace | Border Collie + German Shepherd | Male/M: whomevever "You wouldn't my dearest." I smile and tackle her back nipping her ear playfully and I stand up off of her letting her chase the pups while I relax." I'll tell you next time. Promise." I say before she runs or more like walks off to chase the pups