
Juniper | M | Chital Deer Juniper liked the council idea. It reminded him of how the herd leader asked his right tines for advice in making decisions and enforcing the rules. He didn't think he'd join the council himself. He was the group's newest member, and he didn't have much skill in leadership.

Selene | F | Red Fox | M: Everyone "Yeah! Let's do that!" I say, wagging my tail, "great idea Pandora!" I don't know why I was so worried! Of course everyone would think of a smart solution! They're all amazing! I smile happily, glad we hadn't argued.

Nightingale - F - Wolf - M: all - I roll my eyes. Haven't we been doing that? The only way I have seen a canine governed, is by a big, stronger canine. "That might work, but we will need a few rules, like tell someone where you are going." I say.

Pandora | F | Ball Python | M: Nightingale "The council would make rules," Pandora said. "We could add that one to the list."

Sparrowhawk/M/Collie/German Shepherd/M: Night, Ace He had stayed behind as Ace ran away again, and as the group had started discussing leadership. He had realized something. This group... they were planning to stick together forever. He had been a loner for so long... and with his issues, they probably wouldn't want him to be leader. He stood for a bit longer, thoughts swirling darkly through his mind. He had been promoted to be leader, true; he wanted to follow through with that promotion, and become the leader of this pack. But who would accept him? And if he wasn't leader, he didn't want to be an omega, or a counsel member. That just wasn't what he did. He was a leader, and he was bad at joining groups as anything but the alpha, which was the reason that he had never joined any of the other groups. If he stayed, with this new counsel idea they were discussing, he would have to bow to other animals. But if he left, he may never see his pups again. He whined quietly, unsure of how to act, how to respond to this. A counsel. He may have survived an alpha, especially someone like his mate or Ace. Or Selene... perhaps the sharp claw that they had met earlier? Edited at May 12, 2024 12:19 PM by Blade of Dreams

Ace | Border Collie + German Shepherd | Male/M: whomevever I look at Hawk and smile leading him and Luna away from the group to where I smell SparrowHawk." Hey. You seem off. Are you okay?" I ask him and sit down beside him Hawk and Luna pouncing on a rabbit

Nightingale - F - Wolf - M: -_- - I wag my tail. "While you decide who is on the 'concil', my pups are hungry." I say. I lead Tanager and Osprey inside the den. I lay down and let them nurse. I lick their heads and then lay my head down.

Ace | Border Collie + German Shepherd | Male/M: whomevever I look at Hawk and he gets antsy so I lead him and Luna into Night's den and go up to her." Hey can my pups possibly nurse after yours are done?" I ask her and sit down looking at Selene and my eyes turn sad. I'm worried about if I spread this disease yet

Edited at May 12, 2024 08:59 PM by Hunting Leopard

Blaze/Fennec/Female/M: ??? I placed down the bundle of herbs I had gathered, intrigued. A counsel? I thought. I suppose that could work... It had always been like that at home. Before the end. Before the adventure. Before the uprights. One, big, happy, family. I shook the thought from my head. No, they’re probably all dead now, I thought with dismay. But it didn’t stop a spark of hope from igniting. But what if they aren’t? You could go look for them! Maybe, maybe. Maybe on a night when none of them will notice I have gone missing. I picked up a few leaves, chewed it into a mush, and smeared it on the gash in my ear. It stung a little, but stopped after a bit. I decided to speak up. “I am in favour of this idea. I think it would be much better than having a single leader.” The others turned around to look at me, a little surprised. They had not noticed me sneak up on the meeting. I nose the herbs toward the group. “I believe these are the herbs you requested?” I elegantly raise an eyebrow at them.