
Selene | Female | Red Fox | M: Everyone I'm glad ace was back. I smile at him and the pups. I hesitate then say "I think you guys are right" I start to say "We need some sense of order around here. We need patrols and healers and herb gatherers. We need a leader" I pray with all my heart that nobody will start arguing. "We need to decide on it together." I say.

Pandora | F | Ball Python | M: Selene Pandora made it the stream. She needed a drink of water before joining the rest of the group. She heard Selene's words. Not this conversation again, she thought as she drank the cool water. It would probably just spark another argument, just as it had before. And things were just getting peaceful around here. Well, minus the sickness to worry about.
Juniper | M | Chital Deer | M: Selene Juniper's ears flicked up in surprise. They don't have a leader yet? He thought canine groups usually did. Then again, this one had a snake and a panda, so maybe it was a little different than most packs.
He didn't know the group well, but he thought about it. Selene seemed to call the most meetings, but Ace and Sparrowhawk were very strong and also liked to give orders, and Pandora was very wise. He didn't know who should be leader.

Nightingale - F - Wolf - M: all - "I agree. We can not have animals disappering left and right." I say. I stamd tall, trying not to let the pup biting my leg bother me. "We at least need someone that knows what he or she is doing."

Selene | F | Red fox | M: Everyone I start the worry about this plan. Who do I think should be leader? I think Juniper and Night have the most knowledge about herbs. Pandora is smart. Night seems like a good option. She's brave, and wise. She'd be a good leader. I wonder what the others think. I thought about all the options. Ace and Sparrow are also strong and make a lot of decisions. I sigh "I think we should all say who we think would be great at being alpha. or leader or whatever." I say "I'll start. Night" I announced, looking expectantly at everyone to start saying their thoughts. We're a team. We have gotten to know each other and we are kind to each other. I'm confident that nobody will argue about this. We'll decide fairly Edited at May 12, 2024 07:12 AM by Devil town

Nightingale - F - Wolf - M: all - I stare at Selene like she turned into a girafe. "Me? Never mind. I noninate Sparrow. I assume we can not vote for ourselves." Sparrow or Selene? That would be my chose. But Sparrow seems more dominate.

Bai "Why don't we just ask who wants to be the leader?" I ask.

Selene | F | Red Fox | M: Everyone I nod "Good idea Bai" I say smiling at her, "Also- where have you been? Nevermind. Tell me later." I say. Now that we had everyone here, we shouldn't waste time to decide. We never know when someone runs away or something terrible happens. Blaze had come back with herbs while the others were looking for Ace, so that was everyone with us.

Pandora | F | Ball Python | M: Bai, Selene; Group Pandora rejoined the group from the stream. "Pretty much half the group wants to be leader, though," she pointed out to Bai and Selene. She still refused to call their group a pack.
She thought about it. "Maybe we could have some sort of council, made of all the animals who want to be leader. And they could vote on rules and important decisions," she suggested. That still left the issue of who would organize hunts, patrols, and herb-gathering expeditions, but it felt the most fair, and the best way to avoid fights if someone was upset they weren't chosen.


Ace | Border Collie + German Shepherd | Male/M: whomevever I look around and see what they're doing and decide to stay out of it. No one will nominate me anyway with my sickness and everything I sigh and look at Hawk trying to climb onto me. I smile and shake him off