
Selene | Red Fox | Female | M: Pandora, Timber, Ace ~+~ Five. I looked at the snake. She wasn't much smaller than me. "Hi" I said "Selene, Ace, Timber" I said, pointing to each of us. "Where did you come from? You're not hurt are you?" Selene was shocked to find herself concerned for these other creatures. She's never had a family or even friends before. She felt strangely attached to them. I'll take care of them, and make sure they don't get into trouble.

Sparrowhawk/M/Collie/German Shepherd/M: Open He crawled shakily out of his den, spitting seawater and shivering. He was lucky his den was high, he'd have drowned if it was any lower. He shook himself, his long shaggy fur soaked. He headed down toward the river, wanting a drink and maybe a fish. At the river, he paused, snarling, as he smelled other animals. A dog, maybe, and something wolfish? And some other scents that he didn't know.

Night - F - Wolf - M: All in group+ Sparrowhawk - I slowly walk up to the group huddled by the water. An assortment of creatures. Foxes, dogs, and a snake? Crouching nearby, I listen in on there conversation. Sparrowhawk is not in there. Where is he? I strut out of the bushes and take in the rag tag bunch. "What are you all doing here?" I say with an athorive tone.

Selene | Red fox | Female ~+~ I jumped as I heard a voice from behind me. There were so many new scents it was overwhelming. Six. I smelled another dog-like scent from another direction. SEVEN. Gosh there are seven survivers in this area alone. "Hello" I said. I didn't realise my voice waS shaky. I sat down and closed my eyes for a minute. This was all too much. Her home- The city- gone. The anoyying crows that would ask her questions all day. gone. The pidgeons who would threaten to peck her if she stole their food. All gone. Edited at April 21, 2024 10:36 AM by Devil town

Edited at April 21, 2024 10:33 AM by Devil town

Sparrowhawk/M/Collie/German Shepherd/M: Open He snuck a bit closer, noticing his mate, Night. And then a whole group of other animals, including a big white fluffy thing and a snake. Also a red fox, but those were pretty normal. He leaped down from the rubble heap he'd been standing on, and landed, boldly, in the center of their ground. "Who are you?" He asked, in a bit of a angry tone.

Timber - F - WolfDog - M: everyone - So many! Even the dog park did not have this much life. "I'm Timber" I say to the wolf. Is that another sent? A dog? - Night - F - Wolf - M: Everyone - I breath a sigh of relief. I smell Sparrowhawk. "I'm Nightingale." I bark. My demener softens. This animals need someone. I can be that someone. I turn to see Sparrowhawk. My heart lifts. "Sparrowhawk, you are still alive?" Edited at April 21, 2024 10:42 AM by Bobcat

Ace | Border Collie + German Shepherd | Male/M: Sparrowhawk "Oh come one Sparrow they are survivors. I thought you died. As you should know I'm Ace these people are Timber Selene and Pandora." I say and walk up to Sparrow and lick his nose and lay down Edited at April 21, 2024 10:45 AM by Hunting Leopard

Selene | Female | Red Fox | M: everyone ~+~ I looked up at the Nightingale, the Wolf. She seemed... confident and kind. I felt like I could trust her. But this is WAY too many people for my comfort. I backed away from the center of the croud so I could sit near the river and watch them all talk. Edited at April 21, 2024 10:46 AM by Devil town

Pandora | F | Ball Python | M: Selene, Sparrowhawk Pandora nodded to Selene. "I'm not hurt, but thanks for asking." She turned to Sparrowhawk. "I mean no harm. I've just come for some water." She moved closer to the river.