
Tempest|Female|Stray|Khalila Tempest saw the other dogs going outside. Tempest held her head down and walked outside curiously afterwards. She barked, tilting her head. There was a large wood contraption and some of the dogs were strapped into it. Tempest whimpered nervously, but she trusted the human now, so she padded over and sat down.

Lyronyx•Male•Stray•Lead dog•Khalila Lyronyx stood still as he got a harness strapped onto him. Wow, I feel like a new dog. He muttered in his mind. Soon as Khalila was done with putting the harness on, he barked at her with delight. Then went back to sitting waiting for others to join.

Khalila | Female | Musher She gave a happy smile as she attachted the remaining dogs. She smiled and moved a couple of the ropes gently to get the dogs used to it. She was happy here. She closed her eyes and felt the wind on her face. She gave a loud whistle and another dog (I'll post his information shortly, this is the dog I was speaking of awhile ago) came bounding over the hill. He was snow covered and his coat was large, thick, and grey as he shook his pelt. He panted and a large drooly tounge hung out of his mouth. He smelled wild and free, yet strongly of Khalila.

Kodak | Male | Swing Dog Hearing her whistle made his heart do leaps and bounds. He was so excited to hear that familiar whistle. It's been a long time since he's had any friends. Sliding down the snow-covered banks he raced up to be just behind the lead. "Hi! It's so good to meet you! Name's Kodak!", he said wagging his tail as much as he could (as his tail is curled ) gleefully. He sniffed the air as to not bother them, but he was so ready to ge going. "You guys are going to love this!"

Lyronyx||Male||Lead-dog|| Lyronyx lifted his ears as another dog was positioned behind him. "Hello Kodak, I'm Lyronyx. Nice to meet you too." He said in a Soft nice tone of Voice. Lyronyx, padded his paws against the ground. He flicked his ears, as the cold wind blew passed. He was ready. This is what he was meant for.

Onyx He barked at Kodiak and looked at him. "I'm Onyx" he replied smiling slightly and giving a approving wag of his tail giving the dog a lick on the forehead in greeting

Tempest|Female|Stray Tempest whimpered at the new dog and tucked her tail. She averted her gaze and pulled her ears back. She backed up, the male seemed friendly, but Tempest was scared of him.

Khalila | Female | Musher She readied herself and the dogs, she was so ready to go. She closed her eyes and opened them as soon as she issued the first command. "Mush!", she shouted shaking the harness line. As expected, Kodak got up and began to run, and Khalila hoped it would get the others moving. Kodak | Male | Swing Dog "Mush!" He got up and tried to run forward, realizing that some of the other dogs didn't know what it meant he slowed, and allowed them to try and catch on. "That means run! I'll help you guys understand. Hope that's alright Lyronyx! You're lead dog! You gotta push us forward!"

Sphinx / female / Team dog Sphinx slightly whined as the human put the harness on her. But then she looked an Lyronx, standing so proud and she sucked it in.

Tempest|Female|Stray|Team dog Tempest whined, she heard the human yell a command. She looked around in confusion, but all the dogs started to run, so she decided she should just play along. She ran as well.