
Nikolai - Dusk Scout ~ Well, it was rather unsatisfying (and rather unfortunate) that Nikolai had to go back to the camp without anything new. There wasn't much he could do about it, though. No news as good news as long as those hybrids seemed to stay away from them. At least, until he saw Midnight. While Nikolai had relied on his senses during scouting much more than normal, he wasn't paying attention on the way back. Which was how exactly he could be suprized by the tiger - he simply wasn't paying attention. Which was a serious blunder on his part, but he tried not to let it show. Key word there being tried - he also failed at hiding his suprize to an extent. "... Midnight!" Nikolai recognized the tiger's scent, and inwardly cursed himself for not recognizing it on the way in - it was more fresher than the other ones, and he definitely should have recognized it, but he had been too distracted - and stopped and bowed his head slightly in respect for the Beta before moving on. "Is there... uh, is there something that I need to attend to?" Standard stuff, really.
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Berite | Dusk | Leader | Sarplaninac Dog - The male's eyes followed the movements of the pack's Seer, lingering on the reminder that he may receive a bit of bite-back from the older feline. He mentally prepared himself. And for good reason- Berite listened intently as the lynx rambled on about his worries, speaking only when questions were asked. His face remained placid as he was berated with questions, a small sigh leaving him as he shook his head- his posture straightening. "I assure you, Wonder, there is no need to place your worries in the conversations I am having with others." He opened his jaws again to speak but was cut off by the feline and it took a great deal of willpower for him not to chuckle at his words. Berite couldn't keep his eyes from widening and the slightly amused expression off of his face for very long as Wonder announced his...prophecy. "You speak of your concern with myself thinking lowly of you. But have you considered that you may be doing the same for others in this pack? Thinking lowly of them, I mean. When has our healer ever suggested that she is a beginning to an end? When has he ever given us a reason to doubt her?" Before the Lynx could respond Berite turned his frame to face the form of a small, rather compliant-looking Astro. The leader's tail lowered into a loose, welcoming wag as he gazed down at the snow leopard. Her words met his ears and he met their foggy gaze, his eyes softening slightly before he spoke. "You have done nothing of ill, so do not upset yourself. Wonder has simply had yet another one of his visions... All is well." Berite nodded softly before looking between both of the felines. "If there isn't anything else either of you need assistance with, I'd suggest either heading out to hunt or there's also clean-up duty around camp that I will be participating in." The leader let out a small huff before looking around, his eyes scanning the treeline of camp before turning his attention back to the two in front of him. Edited at February 17, 2025 10:26 PM by Journey

Game Moderator Neutral
Leona/Female hybrid/Seer Leona was truly confused about Ghost but she did agree to help him. He was firing questions at her and she perked up a bit at the sound of water. The guessing of her former home had hit a bit of a sore spot. "I'm going to get a drink of water. Can you hear it? The sound of the running stream?", spoke Leona while thinking about Ghost's other question. It had been harmless and while it had hit close to home for her but she knew that Ghost wasn't to blame. He had been exiled as well. "Yeah I was in the Dawn group though I don't call them a pack. Fate sure has a way of making things happen that shouldn't have. Though apparently Dawn have a new leader now. I'm guessing you were from Dusk", said Leona softly before shaking her head to clear her mind. Jolene/Female dingo/Dawn's beta Her hazel eyes watched the fox healer take the squirrel and wasn't surprised at the cautious retreat. She watched him go into his den and almost wanted to hit her head against a tree. So many secrets and so few have recovered. At least Rizou had eaten so she went into her den to get some rest. Something inside her still doesn't trust the new leader Rudd though she doesn't know why.
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∆ Ruslan ∆ Hybrid ∆ - Her words hit him like a blow to the stomach. For a moment he simply stood there, staring with a pounding heart and blank mind. Then his thoughts began to race. "Pregnant? With- me...?!" He paced the ground, tail twitching in unease. "Oh no...not good. Maybe you could ask a packmate to pretend being the father? But what if they look like me? What then? What if they exile you, or even try to kill-" Ruslan shook his head, trying not to think of such things. He stopped his frantic pacing looking up at Cards. Then he looked away, suddenly unable to meet her gaze. He resumed his pacing, still muttering to himself with ears pinned, tail lashing and fur on end.
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Midnight • Female bengal tiger • Dusk pride Beta - "Nikolai." She nods slightly to him. She sighs slightly. "Yes. We must go patrol the very borders of our territory." She pauses. "Just in case hybrids are approaching our pride. I don't want what happened in Dawn pride to happen in ours... Come on we must leave at once." She starts to walk towards the western border flicking her tail to signal Nikolai to follow. She stops and sort of half smiles. She turns her head back to the scout. "I'd also recommend you pay a bit more attention." She goes back to walking.
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🜲 ASTROLYSUS 🜲 She/He • Dusk Healer Lean, Blind Snow Leopard 🜲 Astro made a soft purr of happiness at the gentle reaction of the alpha, he dipped her head thankfully, ear flicking before cloudy blind gaze turned to reflect the alpha's larger frame. "I would be happy to join but I'm afraid I cannot, My herb storage is rather low, and personally I'd rather not have a sick pride where the entire pride decides to die." The small snowleopard scoffed, rolling her blind eyes. He usually was very gentle, sweet and soft, but eventually there was times where he got a bit- snippy.

(I apoligize for being late) A ray of sunshine hits Coras back, making it look as if she is glowing slightly. She gets up and looks out of her make-shift den, watching the birds fly past her face. She's focused on one and once it gets close enough she pounces on it. "Guess this'll be breakfast." she says slightly dissapointed. As she chows down on the bird she remembers that theres a watering hole nearby. She sets the bird down and makes her way towards where she saw the watering hole. Once she gets there, she hides in a bush, waiting for the perfect time to strike. A deer walkes over to the bush, wondering if it has any berrys, or at least thats what Cora thought it was doing. It steps closer and Cora pounces on it, clawing at its coat. She gets a good bite and kills it. "Now this is more like it." she says excited. Cora drags the deer body back to her den and proceeds to have her breakfast.

Nikolai - Dusk Scout ~ Nikolai gave a brief exhale of incredulity. "With all due respect, Midnight... I just did that." He was literally just about to report that he'd found nothing to report that anything was wrong, and that he hadn't found anything. "There is nothing to report from the scout I just did. No new scents, no new tracks, no breaches in territory by anyone, hybrid or otherwise." All in all, it was a pretty boring patrol that he'd just done. And it looked like he'd have to do it all over again - at least, unless he could change Midnight's mind. It didn't seem too likely at the moment, however, from her body stance as she strode off in pretty much the exact same direction he'd gone earlier. Nikolai's annoyed thoughts didn't stop as he reluctantly turned and followed Midnight going the exact same way he'd literally just gone. "I mean, if you insist, but like I said..." his words trailed off as he realized they were probably futile. He could at least hope, though. "... like I... ah..." he lost his thread of thought for an embarrassing second before recuperrating and trying again. "Ah... yeah. Nothing to report from the patrol I just did." Hadn't he just said that? ... he had. Yikes. So why was he repeating it? Perhaps it would be best if he shut his mouth for now.
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Midnight • Female bengal tiger • Dusk pride beta - "I know you've already been out but... Berite's orders." She turned away and started walking. "Now come on, we should get started. I also want to go slightly outside boundaries to see if hybrids are getting closer. If you're up to it we might actually find something interesting." Ghost • Male hybrid Ghost listens and does here the sound of running water. The sound reminds him of how dry his throat had been. He nods signaling he heard the water. Even though what Leona said next wasn't really a question, Ghost still nodded. "Yeah, I was in Dusk pack before- uh. You know."
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Rudd | Dawn | Leader | Pure Wolf Rudd frowned as he noticed the early morning light had all but faded. It seems he took longer than he thought. Too long for a measly squirrel to compensate, but at least he had the eastern patrol taken care of, more or less. He’d still send someone later, perhaps in the evening, to properly reinforce it. For now, he slipped into camp, dropping his troubled thoughts from his demeanor as he entered. He added his prey to their food stores and took a look around camp. Not much had changed, which he took as an auspicious sign. At the same time, the peacefulness made him uneasy. It seemed… thin. Fragile. Like a veil of tranquility waiting to be broken. Rudd sought out his second-in-command, finding her in her den. He stopped short of the entrance. “I trust things are running smoothly thus far?” he asked. More like stated, really. It would not do to ignore his predecessor’s death, but re-establishing themselves was a top priority. The wolf took a couple paces away from the den, dropping his voice as not to carry too far. “Any more activity from the exiled?” They had only taken one life this time, but he had no doubt that they were not satisfied just yet. Edited at February 18, 2025 08:33 PM by Red River Wolves