
Midnight • Female bengal tiger • Dusk pride beta - Midnight could tell Berite was still uneasy but he left before she could say anything. She sighed and stood up. She watched for a second as the leader went over to talk to Wonder. She'll have to go out and find Nikolai. Although Nikolai probably already did a thorough patrol of the inside territory, Midnight wanted to check on the very borders in case hybrids were forming groups. And also to try to reassure Berite a bit more that the hybrids weren't coming back. She didn't really mind the hybrids presence in the pride but she can understand why Berite thought they could be dangerous. Just look what they did to the dawn leader. Midnight shook herself and went off to search for Nikolai. She made sure to stay in darker areas so she wouldn't stick out as much.
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Wonder The Seer (Dusk Pride) - European Lynx Setting: Dusk Pride Center A breeze danced along his fur, bringing with it the scent of pollen in the air, and the unmistakable odor of his higher ranking peers. Wonder curled his claws into the ground, tongue swiping across his own cheeks as a shadow fell over him and he looked up. His leader, Berite stood announcing his presence to Wonder. The one who exiled the hybrids, dirty blooded creatures. He supposed he should show his submission to him. The canine was proving not to be a bad leader so far after all. May the spirits look after him. Getting up slowly so as to not aggravate his joints, The feline stood with only a few pops of his spine and a higher view. “Berite, greetings to you. I hope you're not taking too much time out of the day to meet with me. I wouldn’t want to interfere with any of your duties” He opened his mouth wide, showing a glimpse of stained teeth. “However… stalking? You think too little of me. Have I not proven my loyalty after all this time? Must I be integrated every time I am spotted? Maybe I should start worrying about who you talk to, no?” He shook his body as to shake off the accusation, stepping forward more so he was more easily seen. “But yes, in fact, I do come bearing news as you so rudely put it. I have been up for the majority of the night, meditating in the land closest to the stars. And then they came! Scenes of claws through blood and a pair of light blue eyes, terrifying in their vibrancy!” “I fear darkness is ahead of us… and it will start with the healer!”

Carys | Dawn | Seer | Belgian Groenendael Shepherd - Carys watched closely as the dark male stepped out of the shrubbery, her eyes immediately going to search his figure for any signs of injuries. Did he happen to have stumbled upon some non-hybrids? She took a hesitant step forward, slowly circling him as her tail swished lightly from side to side. He didn't look to have any injuries, as far as she could see at least- "I stepped out to hunt... I-" She needed to tell him at some point. But...maybe she could wait awhile and simply be present with him. After all, it had been difficult to see each other ever since the exiling law was sentenced and they'd only ever met up once or twice right after... It had been weeks since they'd even seen each other. Carys blinked as her eyes softened, taking a step forward she nuzzled her muzzle to the underside of his jaw and to the fur of his neck- taking in his scent as her tail thumped loosely against her leg. "I've missed you terribly..." Her voice came out in a crack, a small whine sounding from her throat. "How- why are you still in Dawn Pack territory? It's dangerous for you to be here- if our new leader found out you were here..." She pulled away from the male slowly, her gaze meeting his. He needed to know. Just tell him, something in the back of her mind prodded. What if he leaves the territory without ever knowing about the pups? Her eyes averted to the ground and she took a step back. But what if he finds out and leaves me... The idea that it is very likely that they will be discovered and Ruslan run out by the pack is very high- Carys needs to say something. "Ruslan... I-" Her gaze flicked to his and back to a spot on the ground to her right. "I'm pregnant."

Game Moderator Neutral
Leona/Female hybrid/Seer "Thank you", spoke Leona as Ghost relaxed. That was she didn't expect him to be relaxed around her. When he admitted that he wasn't the best at hunting and asked if she could help, that confused Leona a bit. "I can try to help you hunt", agreed Leona now feeling thirsty for a drink of water. She listened for the sound of water and heard some stream close by. She started walking in the direction of the sound of running water while keeping some distance from Ghost. Until he decided what to do after he got better at hunting.
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Alarik | Hybrid Group Leader | Maned Wolf/African Wild Dog/Anatolian Shepard Hybrid - The snarling and scuffling sounds from outside of Alarik's rocky den were enough to startle him awake, his powerful form jumping to his paws as he shook out his dark red and black pelt. Alarik padded at the rabbit hide bedding he had been sleeping soundly on before he was so rudely awoken, stepping off of it and padding his way around the boulder that stood in the middle of his cave-like den. He was met with the cool air of a spring morning and the smell of a fresh kill. His piercing eyes looked down upon the mountainside camp to take in the view of the hybrid pack going along with their morning routines. Twin brothers- wolf and coyote hybrids- were dragging in a fresh kill of mule deer to the center of camp, snipping at the younger hybrids who attempted to take a snack from the carcass. Alarik's stomach grumbled and he hopped down from the rock formation in which he stood, slinking his way down the rocky path and to the middle of camp. Eyes followed his form as he made it to the carcass and he received nods from the brothers as they moved from the prey they had hunted. Leader eats first, a rule Alarik had made sure to put into place the first few days of being exiled. The male's neck lowered, teeth digging into one of the back thighs of the animal and ripping away- a chunk big enough to be his breakfast in his jaws as he turned away, making his way back up the path and resting back onto the rock formation he was previously standing upon. His jaws let the large piece of meat fall to the ground as he lay down, his gaze falling onto the five or so hybrids who were gazing up at him expectantly. He spoke, his tone dry but loud enough to bounce off the rock surfaces around him. "Feast." The twin brothers, Kilorn and Cescar, were the first to take from the carcass after Alarik. Then the male and female yearlings- the male, a cougar and stripped skunk hybrid named Ajax. And the female, a red fox and raccoon hybrid named Cinthia. Finally, a five-year-old female bobcat and badger hybrid named Sacidae received the last bit of the carcass. From what Alarik could see... the group was down one member. Sara. His nose lifted to the wind- picking up a scent trail... she must have gone out earlier this morning to hunt. Nodding to himself he started on his meal.

Sara|hybrid group member|female panther/bird hybrid Sara brushed through the undergrowth of the forest, silently dragging with her two rabbit carcasses. It was the most she could manage, she was sure the group wouldn't like her bringing back dusty prey. She was pretty sure other hybrids had went out to hunt, so it should be enough for everyone. It was part of what she liked about being in exile, the freedom of it, the only having to care for yourself. The group all made their contributions. She started up the rocky trail that would lead to the camp, her feathers puffed up against a slight breeze. Bracing herself, she entered the camp. No matter how many times she told herself to relax, she had always imagined the worst possible scenario upon entering the camp. Some of the members were closer to family than her old pride had been, but it wasn't helping her nightmares. She entered the camp, giving a mental sigh of relief, upon seeing that everything was fine. She looked around, and realized she was late. Everyone was already eating. She glanced up at their leader, Alarik, to see if she could still eat. Sometimes habits from her old pride were hard to get rid of. Rizou|male silver and black fox|Dawn pack healer Rizou glanced around his den, angry at himself for oversleeping. He still found it hard sometimes, to get used to the new changes in the pack. He should have adapted faster, but that small part of him made it hard to forgive himself. He headed out into the clearing, wondering what he would see. He hoped it wasn't too late to get a bite before starting on his duties. Edited at February 17, 2025 06:26 PM by Silver Shadows

Game Moderator Neutral
Jolene/Female dingo/Dawn's beta Sniffing the air made the dingo pause. She thought she scented Ruslan then remembered Cary. Following the scent came upon Cary's tracks while making sure that neither the hybrid or the seer noticed her, then started messing up Cary's tracks. Having faith that Cary would make her way back then she started to make her way back into the pack camp. She couldn't leave the pack members alone and Rizou might like the squirrel she had caught. She was still restless as thoughts kept circling in her mind. She found the fox and made her way over to him then dropped the squirrel next to him. "Thought you would like this squirrel", offered Jolene to the healer.
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🜲 ASTROLYSUS 🜲 She/He • Dusk Healer Lean, Blind Snow Leopard 🜲 Astro pretty much jumped out of her fur when the blind leopard heard his alpha's deep voice. She looked around, hackles raised in fear as he heard the words of the Seer. What had she done wrong? Why was Wonder talking about him? What had he done? Blood on her claws? how? Astrolysus, small and submissive, padded over slowly. "D-did I do something wrong..?" He whimpered, tail between her legs. [Wonder, Berite] Edited at February 17, 2025 07:52 PM by Sacrosanct

Rizou|male black and silver fox|dawn pack healer "Thank you, Jolene." He politely dipped his head toward the beta, before taking the squirrel and retreating back a few steps to eat the squirrel. Part of him stayed cautious, before remembering this was his beta that he was talking about, not some strange creature. Shaking his head to get rid of the unusual thoughts, he started eating. Done with the squirrel, he took another look around the clearing before entering his den, ready to check the stores.

Ghost • Male hybrid - Ghost gets up after Leona leaves. He finds some dry grass and a few leaves and makes a small bed. He bends the ferns to try to make a wall around him. At least this might make it warmer but definitely won't help if it rains. He decides to follow Leona's scent and sprints. He catches up with her. " Where are you going?" He asks. His tail wags a small bit as he walks slightly behind her. I was wondering, since I've never seen you before now, I'm guessing you came from Dawn pack?"
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