Thanks so much!!
Couldve added this yesterday but didn't feel like doing a 20 image spam
A chibi of the horse who got me back into riding after I lost my horse spark. I started her under saddle and trained her. She was the confidence boost I needed at the time but too laid back for long term. I ended up rehoming her afterwards to get my current spicy monster. (Also feeding a Belgian draft was not going well with my uni costs)

A WIP I very well may never finish lol. But one of my most accurate/favourite poses for Ben

Haha, honestly I'm not sure if this counts, but this is my truck and I drew these on him as a draft for what I plan to paint on him this summer when it's nice out. I am SO EXCITED. I find it endlessly amusing to put flames on my incredibly slow and huge ugly truck. Also I want to spray paint his name on the side. (Old guys name their cars after girls, so I'm a girl naming her cars after old guys)
(I know the editing is really bad, I did a looot of warping to try making the flames look like they're on him right and it kinda blurred them and made them look funky, whoops)

One of my newest OC designs, his name is William, he's shy

My offsite friend's OC. I've drawn him before several pages back, I love his design XD

Douglas again in all his glory. Here is where I reveal he's actually based off my stuffie who's face can be pushed in and inverted

Left to right, a friend's OC, Ozzy, a friends irl dog, Oppy, and one of my own OCs who is currently nameless. (I wanna give him an O name to match)

lol, my veeery old oc I created in the start of my WP days. This is an older drawing too