Hello and welcome all to my little shop!
I've decided to create this to give everyone a chance at colouring and selling adopts, especially those who might not be able to find line arts they wish to use!
(and... Also to get some of my work out there, hehe 👉👈)
These creatures are unnamed, so those who win their auctions can name the species as well as create their own stories for them!
Here, I'll be putting up for auction the line arts that I create for others to use for their own!
Some of the line arts may have variations, meaning there are different versions available to pick and choose from. Upon winning an auction of a species with variations, you will be given all line arts included with the variations.
(Line arts with variations will be specified in the description with what variations are available, EX: +Horns +Wings +Tails!However, the line arts will be kept hidden so people can't steal and use them.)
The line arts will also be on a transparent background.
I may possibly take requests if you have certain ideas in mind, but most of these line arts come straight from the mind so I may have to get creative! ^°^
1. Highest offer wins! The highest bid that is placed by the deadline will be given the line art to use/colour for their own adopts.
2. Please credit me as the creator! Name and Pack Number preferred. (PLEASE, DO NOT TAMPER WITH THE SIGNATURE ON THE LINE ART)
3. Please do not use the line arts if you did not win the auction for it! Permission to use and colour them belongs solely to the highest bidder who will be announced and PM'd with the line art (+variation line arts if there are differences within the creature ex: different wings, horns etc.)
4. I will not accept highly complex orders for specific adopt line art ideas. You may list if you'd like a canine, bird, dragon etc, and a list of possible variations. This is purely so I don't become overwhelmed with orders as these line arts I am auctioning are purely little doodles I do when I feel in the mood!
5. If you have any questions, concerns or anything you need altered on a line art you've won, please pm me directly! I'd like to avoid unnecessary clutter in this forum ^°^
(I am happy to shift the signature elsewhere if it is in the way at all. I can also do touch ups if something is a bit funky on the line art too, like small gaps and things!)
Pack Name:
Pack Number:
Base Species: (Canine, Bird, Dragon etc)
Variations: (Horns, Wings, Tails, Accessories etc)
Description: (What idea do you have, give as much detail as you can so I can do my best to create the line art accurately.)
Mush Owed:
Custom Adopt line arts will vary in price depending on how complex or how long it may take me to create them. Prices are listed below but are subject to changes in the future.
The base is the first version. The original creature.
Variation +1 adds ONE variation to the original. You can choose to add on Accessories, Horns, Wings, Tails etc. Each added variation is essentially another line art.
Extra Item/s are small bits you can add in like a background or something the creature interacts with in the line art.
EX: A dragon adopt surrounding a coin or a cat adopt surrounded my crystals.
Custom Adopt Line Art Base: 500 Mush.
Variation +1: 200 Mush.
Extra Item/s: 100 Mush.
I am happy to also accept apples as payment too. (1 apple - 800 Mush.)