
Entirely up to whatever mood I'm in. Sometimes it's based off of real life things (Plants, myths, once it was cars), fantasy (hobbits, aliens, or random letters smashed together), sometimes it's just normal names like Greg, or I go with the classic alliteration (like Peter Parker, Daisy Dawson, Sally Sue). Sometimes there is no theme

My naming theme a mixture of real names (in different languages), things in nature, nouns and odd sounding names that are similar to english words (like Relic > Relicaar for example).

Currently can't figure out which of my two fandoms to name them off of. But occasionally they will be random, like if they have a good boost. Or defect.

Mine used to be named after types of ghosts, then famous ghosts, now they are named after gods and goddesses that I think they would fit because of what they were in charge of, depending on the coloring(ex. a brown colored wolf might be named after a god/goddess of nature).

Game Moderator Darkseeker
I theme mine by the generations
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I name my wolves depending on their parents. The best pup gets a mix of both their parents, second best gets the moms first name and a random last name, third best gets the dad's last name and a random first. Like, say, a sire (BeetleGrowl) and a dam (PineRock) have three pups, their names would be: PineGrowl (Best), PineGaze (Second) & MountainGrowl (Third).

Ok this might be weird but for my Alphas i name them a color and Fang (Ex. Violetfang) and for my betas they are always named after trees and tree parts (Ex. Cottonwood, Leaf)

Game Moderator Neutral
Random for me. Sometimes a mix of the wolf's family member's name combined or named after food or I name them after songs. It is random. Edited at January 7, 2025 02:34 PM by Feiella
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I usually base mine off of what me and my partner (who also plays this game!) sees the wolf as... It could be an OC, or based on something we like! Though, it usually takes a while for wolves to have their names, so I tend to not pick one until one pop ups for me that I know is "right for them"!

almost voted random but i do have a bit of an odd system ^^" i generally name all of my wolves older victorian / medieval sounding names with some exceptions (such as comatose, absinthe, corvid, or other edgy names; and the wolves i have which are named after HOTD characters). additionally all of my bloodline wolves are named with the same starting letter or theme as their ancestors. (such as vermillion's heir being named crimson, or snuff's heir being named savant).
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