yay I guess....
what luck! you found the sound of silence Edited at June 3, 2019 08:02 PM by Aselk
this is illoigal sound cant exixt were there is none what luck you found a NIndroid missing half his face
A what now....???
What Luck! You found a talking thing of corn. P.S it also dances and sings. :) Good luck
Id pay it a dime every time it sings and make a stage for it ;)
What luck! You found an action figure that comes to life Edited at June 3, 2019 09:46 PM by Ice Storm
um No thanks What Luck you found a Nindroid looking for a exiersist ( Props to you if you know what that is )
Literally no idea what that even is :') Sure?
What luck! You have found a rock with a smiley face drawn on it!
Ooo, nice. Ill put it on display
What luck! You found a hamburger Edited at June 3, 2019 11:25 PM by Ice Storm
Ew. Those are icky.
What luck! You found a brooding Female wolf!
I...uh...*stabs wolf*
What...L u c k! You have found a dead wolf.
NOOO its my alpha Zane :( XD what luck you found a wolf mourning