
She kept moving through the darkness until she heard voices. She bit her lip tightly, creeping along the side of darkness until she could get a better look around. Regret shot throughout her body as she saw him tied up. It wasn't fair. But she needed to get closer to at least untie him. She picked up a stone, tossing it to the opposite direction from where she had come from.

The man looked in the derection of the stone and started heading in the direction of the noise. "who's there show yourself im not going to hurt you...." he says coldly looking around Erik heard quiet footsteps to his right if they were going to save him he better not blow thier cover he sits there silently awaiting his rescuer.

She quietly and quickly worked to untie him. She kept an eye on the stranger as she worked, wanting to make sure that they had enough time. As the ropes loosened, she gave his hand a reassuring squeeze before tossing aside the bag from his head. "Hurry!" She whispered.

Erik silently follows Sofia away from the man and when we are a safe ways away Erik says" we need to report him to the gaurds he could be a danger too all" Erik says as he runs towards the castle right behind Sofia. we reach the tree that i took my armor off and I left my spear against and i put my armor on and get my spear "I know who he is... he is my father... and if your wonder why he was kidnapping me is because he works for the people we fought... as you may think why is he working for the enemy... the reason is im one of them but I went to fight on your side... thats why i had the argument with my parents" Erik says.

She bit her lip nervously. She went to say something before she shook her head. "Are you okay? You were bleeding, I only found you because of that." She went to investigate his arm and said, "Not to mention your encounter with your father. He didn't seem to know you." She took a step back to give him space, collecting her hidden dagger. "I'm sorry for this. I didn't want you to get hurt, let alone kidnapped. It's technically my fault."

"it is not your fault atleast it wasnt you that got kidnapped I would be dead" he winces as she touches his arm "it has been years since ive seen him his voice hasn't changed a bit". he says "its also not your fault that i got hurt I wasn't looking where I was going. Im not badly hurt or anything it feels fine" he sits down contemplating what they should do.

She sat down across from him and sighed, "I got lucky in my rescue. I mean, if the first attempt didn't work, I was gonna offer myself as a trade. My people don't deserve to be treated poorly or to get hurt. Is there anything I can do to help you still? I want to help, you know that."

"we should head back to the castle to report the person and get this looked at" Erik says to Sofia "dont risk your life for me you are the hier to the throne and without you the kingdom will...become disordered and...I...I." Erik pauses "I wouldnt be able to live knowing you could be in danger".

"And having others die on my behalf? I can't live with blood on my hands." She got up, pacing furiously as she screamed in frustration. She wrapped her arms around herself protectively before sighing. "let's just get home. Let the others know, like you said."

"Yes ma,am" Erik says keeping his head low and not speaking a word while they walk towards the castle. "is she angry at me? he thinks in his head if so what did I say to make her fustrated. I never asked how she felt about the situation and if she was hurt, geez I wish I had asked her." Erik lets out a quiet sigh.