
She laid along her stomach, running her hands along the water. "Waters not too cold . I wouldn't be swimming in these temperatures, but still." She chuckled. She still watches the water as she sighed. "Love. I don't think I would be able to find it. Anyone just...wants to use me for the throne. It's just as dangerous as a war. How do you feel about it? Any lucky woman waiting for you?"

He lays on his back and closed his eyes feeling the warmth of the sun on his skin" I think love comes to those who deserve it truely and love shouldnt be about a person status, that is just greed. and i understand that some people just want to be in line for king but it is understandable but you must earn it first" Erik says before pausing "She left me when I went to war so at the moment none." he sits up and starts to draw in the sand with a stick, he works on it for a while then he stops to admire his work, it was a dragon "it might not be the best I could do but it is sand" Erik says with a smile.

She peeked over at his drawing and smiled, "So the soldier is also an artist. I will say, if she chose to leave you beforehand..." She paused and said, "It'll sound cruel, but she wasn't worth it. Again, these are the words of a woman who hasn't been in love. I've chased away any potential of an arranged marriage. I'm just lucky my father gave up on that idea." She playfully splashed the water again.

Erik gets up and sits next to you and he puts his hand at the surface of the water allowing it to flow past his hand. "Im currently working on a book about romance but im at a loss of thoughts and im a part time artists I find that it calms me" Erik says, he then pauses"when you are ready the time will come. One day you will find someone that truely loves you for your personality. Most people only like you for your money or power" erik says. He spashes a little bit of water at you smiling.

"Still, there's an impressive amount of skills Erik!" She laughed. She squealed as he splashed her and smirked, "Oh you'll regret that!" She carefully tried to scoop water and splash him back before playfully running away to make sure he couldn't get her again.

"Thank you Sofia" Erik says before he is cut off with a handful of water to the face"ahh it cold" He cries"oh you get back here!" Erik says with a laugh chasing Sofia "im gonna catch you!" he says laughing he chases her through the trees for what feels like forever intil he trips on a stump and tumbles forward. "ow that hurt I didnt see that coming." he feels a warm liquid roll down his arm but he returns to the chase not caring.

She laughed as she ran, calling back, "Too fast, you'll never get me slowpoke!" She kept running, eventually slowing to hide behind a tree as she tried to catch her breath. She occasionally listened and looked around, trying to figure out where he was compared to her.

he steathily sneaks up to the other side of a tree "did you forget I was a soldier? we were trained to be stealthy" tags her and runs"Tag your it catch me if you can" Erik yells back at her as he runs deeper into the forest laughing up suddenly the forest became dark and cold. he looked around but didnt see Sofia chasing him "maybe she went the wron..." a bag is put over his head and he tries to yell for help be he feels a hand over his mouth he then hears a voice say"follow my comands or you wont live to see tomorrow. The mysterious person then binds his wrists together with a rope and forces him to follow them deeper into the forest. the kidnapper not realizing the blood driping from my arm leaving a trail to follow.

"Hey!" She laughed, running after him. She tried to run as fast as she could, but soon lost track. That was when she saw the trail of blood. "Oh my God, Erik." She gasped softly. She gazed back to the path heading to the castle, thinking about getting help. But what if he didn't have that long? She shook her head, deciding to follow his trail of blood. She decided to hide along the bushes and trees, just in case there were more hazards in the woods.

"what do you want me for and why did you chose me? "Erik says the mysterious person says "you said you were a soldier when we get to our destination I want all the imformation about the layout of the kingdom..." Erik had heard that voice before a while ago before the war but where... then it hit him hard like a boulder this was his father... his father had became a soldier for the enemy but he hadnt reconized him, he kept quiet until he learned more or until help came.