Josephine Hastings
"Jo, Josie"
Age: 23
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Heterosexual

Standing at a petite 5'3", her disposition settles somewhere between kind and non threatening based off of looks. Her skin is a flawless milky shade of alabaster with cool undertones that gives her an ethereal, ghostly appearance. It has a silky smooth texture, only aiding that flawlessness. Her features are as soft as her skin, delicately defined with feminine grace. With a heart shaped face, Josephine has high cheekbones, gently sloping down into a softened jawline and slender neck.
Josephine's nose is just as delicate as the rest of her. It's straight, but as it nears the tip it begins to arch slightly upwards, giving her that so sought after button nosed look. Accentuating her sharp, well defined brows are cat like eyes, always watching and waiting for her moment to strike. Long lashes encapsulates them, the lengthy strands perfect for fluttering and batting.Their chilly color is that of hard steel, bold and unwavering. A gaze so cold and intense that it's almost terrifying. Many find it a struggle to stare into that calculated gaze for too long in fear that might just devour them whole. The kicker? She just might.
Atop that head held high falls waves of whiskey colored loose ringlet curls that end at the small of Josephine's back. Shades of red, copper, and warm brown linger throughout the strands, creating a sea of fiery warmth. Not an ounce of frizz is present if she can help it, with each curl holding a soft, satiny feel to it. Each curl is meticulously taken care of, crafted around her face to further accentuate her lovely features. Her hair is her prized feature, with much time and care going into keeping it soft and healthy. It's often left down, giving it what little freedom and untamed beauty it can have.
Josephine's frame isn't anything impressive when it comes to strength. She's lithe, her body thin and soft. She has narrow shoulders with a defined neck and collarbones. Her hips are wide and her thighs thick, giving her a pear shape that aids the sass and confidence in her walk. Without a doubt her hips will effortlessly sway. Some would say she has a sense of arrogance, but it couldn't be further from the truth. Her hands, while small and dainty, have the same cat-likeness as her eyes. She keeps her nails somewhat long and well manicured, with the tips filed into an almond shape. The skin is rather soft as well, though her fingertips are calloused, suggesting the idea that she plays a stringed instrument.
The voice that comes from such a small woman is hauntingly soft. It's of gentle tone, dripping with a sweetness of honey when she pleases. That is not to say that it cannot demand attention, however. It can be just as sharp as it is sweet. It is a voice that can lull you to sleep or wake an entire army given the path that is chosen.
Her way of dress is simple and practical. Around her neck sits a simple silver necklace with a crystal stone. She typically robes herself in a pair of dark colored trousers fitted nicely to her body and an emerald corset like top that isn't cinched so tight she cannot move or breath easily. Beneath the corset she wears a flowy long sleeve top that is an off white color. She pairs it with a pair of black boots and a black hat that seems to have had a decent amount of loving. It is indeed her favorite hat. When the weather turns cold, she may adorn a dark colored furry coat and chaps, but she's not a fan of bulky layers despite hating the cold.
Josephine is an intimidating figure to talk to. She looks as though she'd kill with a single glance, but that'd hardly be the case. She isn't very outgoing, nor is she friendly, but she's not unfriendly either. Striking up a conversation with the lass isn't hard, but it is hard to keep her talking rather than just listening. She may not be the best speaker, but she can lend the best of ears to anyone needing to vent and speak from the heart.
Devout and honest, Josephine is a genuine person who fears not what another thinks of her. Once you get in good with her, she'll give you all of her time and loyalty that she has to spare. Not many people can get past the walls that she has built, but once it's done, she'll do anything to protect those people. She's not one for lies, either. She can be bluntly honest, telling the truth when it perhaps should not be told in completeness. If it is meant to be said, she cares not for how it'll make another feel. She'll try her best to be gentle, but it does not always work out in that manner.
She is assertive and cautious, taking heed in everything that she does. She'd much rather cut right to the chase, avoiding any and all hiccups if possible. It would be correct to say that's she's a wary woman, jaded and exhausted by the trauma of the world. She's not afraid to voice her opinion or point out exactly what she wants despite being a quiet and generally soft spoken girl. She doesn't mind taking control of certain situations and putting herself out there when others may not please to do so.
She may protect those that hold her heart with her life, but she's not as forgiving to those who have wronged her. Her patient and giving nature is not to be taken advantage of or for granted. It's one of the quickest ways to lose her as a friend. She'll do anything for you and ask for nothing in return, but do not use and manipulate someone with such a heart of gold.
She enjoys getting to do things for others, and loves even more when she's given the same energy back. In truth She's a simple woman and doesn't ask for much other than someone who will care for her like she does them.
Quiet and observant, Josephine prefers to watch others from the corner of the room. without much to say, she spends her time studying others and their actions. She enjoys getting to know them from the outside in, should they be worth the knowing. She reads people like she reads a book, learning every little tell that she can pick up and why it is something that shows itself. She often will notice things that go unnoticed by the general populace, giving her a heads up to anything that might amidst.
Sure Footed- Josephine has the balance of a cat, always seeming to keep to her feet no matter what. Shes graceful and unafraid to walk slender or high paths that most would shy away from.
Fighting Skills- Josephine tends to excel in hand to hand combat, often packing a heftier punch than men would expect for her to. She may not be the strongest, but she's quick and ruthless, fighting dirty no matter the circumstance. There is no such thing as a fair fight, and she will use whatever method she must to succeed.
Observant- Looking into things that others would not, Josephine picks up on the smallest details and cues. If you can bet on anyone paying attention, it's her. This also makes her an excellent tracker, as her keen eyes pick up the divots in the ground as well as any broken twigs or trampled brush.
Weak- Being the small woman that she is, Josephine lacks muscle. This leads her to be overpowered rather easily if her opponent gets the upper hand.
Swimming- Not only can Josephine barely keep her head above water, the woman is terrified of deep bodies of water. She also does not like to set foot in water that she cannot see the bottom of. She would much rather know that when she takes a step that there will be a river bed there instead of a drop off.
Drinking- A borderline alcoholic. A nasty habit, but one that doesn't necessarily seem to have a negative effect upon her. Perhaps that's because she never stops drinking? Or that her tolerance has simply risen so high that it matters not what she does. At least, not until she has a reason to balance across a beam or something of the sort.
Orphaned. Never officially adopted.
Dorothy Abernathy ~ Mother Figure ~ Alive
Benard Abernathy ~ Father Figure ~ Deceased
The Abernathy's ran a local saloon while Josephine was coming up. While they were never able to adopt her, they took care of her and eventually gave her a job as a barmaid until she moved on in life.
Ezra Jameston ~ Ex-Lover ~ Unknown
Ezra was the first and only man that Josephine ever loved. He was an outlaw who totally captivated her and brought her along on all of his adventures. Things were fine until he up and left one day without a trace. No amount of searching or following ever yielded any results, and it is safe to say that Josephine went off the deep end after his disappearance. She doesn't talk about it, but she still searches for him to that day.
Darcy, an eight year old quarter horse mare. She is ornery and has became even more so the older that she gets. She has the prettiest red roan coat, nearly appearing more white than red. Her mane and tail are long and wavy and are red in color side from the white streaks in the top of her tail. Her eyes are a dark, dead sort of black. Bottomless pits, Josephine always says.
Despite the thoughtless looks behind those eyes, Darcy has a mind of her own. She's a good horse and listens for the most part, but in the face of danger she is a coward. She will bolt in a heart beat with her one goal being to dump her rider, whether it be by running them into low hanging limbs or by bucking. For what ever reason, Josephine chooses to keep the crazy mare rather than buying a horse who doesn't try to kill her when the wind blows wrong.