
As Lyka, you are so dead. Lynx even PMed me. You are so, so dead.

"Mmm what are you gonna do Lyka?" Skylar sits Lyka in his lap Broken Rivers said: As Lyka, you are so dead. Lynx even PMed me. You are so, so dead.
Edited at February 27, 2024 07:58 PM by AquaMay

"Skylar, why were you flirting with Silver?" Lyka asked, turning away so as not to show her crush her hurt face. "I didn't know you liked her more than me! I know you're friends, but she's literally petting you!"

"Hey if you were online I would have went to you for pets but you weren't and she was the only other one I was comfortable with petting me." Skylar kisses Lyka's cheek and turns into a wolf." Pet me now maybe behind the ear."

"Okay," I said. "Maybe that's why. Here." I shifted to my wolf form and stretched out next to him, dreamily licking his face and behind his ears.

I lick her neck walking so I am snuggled up against her and boop her nose with my paw." Your very pretty in your wolf form."

"Thank you," I purr gently, rolling so I can look him in the eyes. "You are very handsome!" I lick his muzzle, and wag my tail gently to show that I'm happy.

I jump up and play bow." Oh why thank you but your the prettiest wolf I have ever seen." I stalk around her and pounce on her side causing her to flip over.

"Ow!" I woof teasingly. "Skylar!" I jump up and tumble him over, laughing happily.

"How rude." I pounce up walking to a bowl of water and drink some water." Hey Lyka? When do you think Pierce will be on again?"