
Nightingale - Female - Heir - M: Timber, Fawn, Yurvi, Moon, Fenrus(I), open "I'm doing good, just sleepy. Hey fawn! You look like you have more energy than all the camp combined." Nightingale says. "I think a quick patrol before the ceremony would be a good idea. Give us a chance to not have our stomach grumbling while the alpha is rambling." Nightingale says. In response, Night's stomach rumbles. Night notices Moon in the corner and gives her a nod and a smile.

Timber - Male - Apprentice - Mentions: Nightingale, Yurvi, Fawn Timber laughed, glancing at Night. "You never know. If you had a menotr, maybe they'd have you climbing the highest trees in the forest!" He wagged his tail, gazing around the clearing. "I'll take one of the squirrels." he said as he trotted over to the pile and picked up the limp, gray body of a squirrel and carried it back over to the small group. As he ate, timber looked over the clearing, his eyes stopping at Fenrys, who was sitting at the other end of the clearing. His mentor had always been grumpy, but today he looked extra grumpy. "Hey Fawn. Maybe all three of us can go out with Moon. I don't know if Fenrys is in the mood to go hunting right now..." He said, narrowing his eyes as his nose twitched. There were plenty of rabbits and squirrels in the forest, just waiting for him to hunt them. Edited at October 14, 2024 09:21 AM by Rogue Whispers

Fawn - Female - Apprentice - Mentions: Night, Moon(ind), Timber Moon - Female - Beta female - Mentions: Fawn, Night "I had a good rest tonight and im ready for today. Hopefully i wouldn't have to fetch herbs again..." - Fawn grumbled. "Last time i had to do chores all day. Boringgg" - She sniffed "Maybe you can come with us Night, what do you say? It will be fun!" - Fawn jumped around in excitement "You will see what ill catch today! Im aiming for a big plump turkey!" - As she continued jumping, Moons voice yelled accross the clearing. "FAWN! Stop messing around Nights paws, you're such a pawfull! And be carefull not to trip her!" Nodding to Night and saying "Sorry for that" for an apologie she turned back. Fawn rolled her eyes. "Why does she have to always act like she's my mom! Its so annoying..." Turning to Timber, Fawn agreed and asked "What do you want to eat today? There is a bit of moose meat that is a leftover from yesterday and a rabbit, that id prefer not to since you know Moon... Оh and yeah i forgot. There are also 2 squirrels!" Edited at October 14, 2024 08:55 AM by Dark sky

Nightingale - Female - Heir - M: Timber, Fawn, Moon(I), Fenrus(I), open "Okay, hold on climbing trees? Why does a wolf need to climb a tree? The running around I understand, but not the tree." Nightingale says. She wags her tail. "Where do you want to hunt?" Night eye rolls at moon. "She's a wolf. You expect her to sit still? It's like asking a wolf to climb a tree. You can do it but it doesn't work that well." Edited at October 14, 2024 08:57 AM by Bobcat

Fawn - Female - Apprentice - Mentions: Night, Timber "Hmmm, I don't know" - said Fawn ansewring to Night "Timber what do you think?" She flicked an ear and frustrated said "I love climbing trees its great, but Moon would never let me! I dont understand why!" - Then back to her usual cheerfull behaviour she looked at the pile. "Maybe yes, Fenrys looks extra grumpy today. Im certain he swallowed crowfood today. He needs a therapist!" Moon - Female - Beta female - Mentions: Night "Actually, Night, yes i do, and also she loves climbing trees. If she is to ever become something like hunter/fighter she gotta know how to sit still. But well since she is still very young i guess i can let her." Moon smiles and wags their tail. "Have you two decided where to hunt?" Fawn says flicking an ear "Not yet..." (Thats really short i know, sorry) Edited at October 14, 2024 10:27 AM by Dark sky

(Don't mind the fact that I accidentally edited my post above instead of making a new one)

(i noticed it. edited mine too lol) almost everyone is online, but still no one rps XD poor tech Edited at October 14, 2024 10:11 PM by Dark sky

Nightingale - Female - Heir - M: Timber, Fawn, Yurvi, Moon, Fenrus(I), open "I sometimes wish I had a mentor." Night says absent mindaly. She trots over to the prey and takes a chunk of elk. Then she carries it back to the group. Ripping of a piece, she chews. (I'll post Jeraboa later)

Fawn - Female - Apprentice - Mentions: Night, Timber "Haha, Night, no you don't. Trust me you'll be happier than me when you finish training. Right Timber?" Fawn let out a huff, then sat down after finishing her prey. "Yum that was good!" (Moon coming soon) Edited at October 19, 2024 11:08 AM by Dark sky

Timber - Male - Apprentice - Mentions: Nightingale, Yurvi, Fawn Timber rolled his eyes, taking the last bite of his squirrel. "Fenrys is OKAY. He's just grumpy all the time and hates everyone." He glanced at Night. "You're lucky. You don't have to follow anyones rules but the Alphas." He looked up, gathering the remains of his squirrel into a pile. He looked at Fawn. "Want to go ask Moon if all four of us can go out together?" He said, glancing at Yurvi, who was sitting silently in the back of the group. - Yurvi - Female - Heir - Mentions: Nightingale, Timber, Fawn Yurvi ate her rabbit, letting her thought overwhelm her while the group talked. I wonder who father will choose for the ceremony. Probably me or Nightingale. The pack needs Jeraboa. But who else? She looked up. Timber? Fawn? Or Stripe? Nyx or Blu? Storm and Nikolai? Anyone, really. But who distrusts father most of all? Her gaze insantly snapped over to Fenrys. Grumpy, probably hates father more than anyone combined. She was snapped out of her trance when she heard Timber say her name. "Patrol?" She asked, picking up the rest of her rabbit and putting it with the other scraps. Edited at October 16, 2024 12:21 PM by Rogue Whispers