"Stay here dummy" said Frost, insistent, "Unless you need your chamile tea or whatever it's called" she snorted sarcasticly
I don't think you should go, there will be cops everywhere. They'll be looking for us." Alyssa added kinda curious on the demons story.
"im going. they didnt see my face thanks to this idiot" the demon looked up from sniffing a flower "h3y!"
"why!? Why can't you just stay here" she asked suspiciously. ... "Bliz, could you watch that thing" said Frost to the wolf, gesturing towards the wild pup, who was now running around chasing a butterfly that had unwisely wandered into his path Edited at February 7, 2022 12:23 PM by Lupus Pack
liko left, the demon sitting next to the flower made it so they could see his features, he had red and blue eyes, glitching sorta, he seemed as if someone had made a character on a glitchy site, torn wings and odd colors
Frost rolled her eyes, "what's up with her?" She questioned the demon, taking in their unusual appearance
"sh3s n0t us3d t0 hav!ng fr!3nds"
"She's not the only one" laughed Frost, but her mind did a sort of summersault, friends? Did she really have friends?
Alyssa walked over to Frost and asked "Can I have some bags, all this stuff is getting a little uncomfortable?"
"anyways, ! n33d t0 g0 b3f0-" he dissapeared