
"same, but i was trying to save a child... he had wandered out into the road, i had to do something!"

"Yeah, you did," sighed Frost "Mine was a bit different" she grimaced, remembering that night

"taj, come here bud" she had realised her dog was shivering aas it ran to her she wrapped a towel around the soaked corgi

Frost watched the corgi before raising her hand. As she did, all the moistour terrorising the dog rose, forming a mini corgi wich she made gallop around, drying the poor dog. ... "So what happened?" she urged, ignoring the voice inside who told her to stop being so nosy

"i shifted fox, head butted the kid out of the road and stopped the car with my magic... everyone saw..."

"At least they saw you save a kid" reasoned Frost "At least you didn't, like, kill a man or something, they surely couldn't hate you for that" but she knew otherwise, humans were always afraid of anything different, no matter what they said or did Edited at February 2, 2022 03:34 PM by Lupus Pack

"they thought i was gonna kill the kid"

Frost laughed, she couldn't help it, it was so typical "Why did they think that?" she chuckled "Maybe you were hungry"

"no, not at all, i was well fed, had a job... its cause i was a fox... foxes are known for killing young children in this area..."

"Oh, well... bad choice" Frost said bluntly, "Do you only change into a fox", "at least you didn't kill the kid" ... (Is it alright that Frost killed a man when she was 4? She used her powers, filled his lungs with water, drowned him, lost control, so I think it's reasonable...)