Hanata growled. "Well, maybe I would like people more if I ever got attention, but no, I am always alone..... the only one I had was my pup, but not even I was allowed to have her" Hanata growled, walking out of the cave. - Tori awoke to hear Hanata, and got up, but made sure to remove her paws from under Morpheus gently. "What is going on here?" She asked, shaking her fur.
"You seem to get enough attention to me. And what do you mean your always alone, you are always surounded by the other males." Shadow was starting to get angry. . Morpheus rolled his eyes under there lids. He was about to jump in, but then Tori got up. He opened his eyes to watch and see what would happen.
Tori stopped herself from chuckling after she heard the beta male say "Well, she tries to hang out with us..." under his breathe. - Hanata stopped and growled. "I try to hang out with them..." She said, not even looking back....
Shadow shook her head. "If you don't like it then why don't you leave. You don't hear any of the rest of us complaining." She gave a low growl before looking at Morpheus. Seeing him awake, she quickly lowered her head. . Morpheus got up and growled. "Enough. There will be no more. I have already told all of you that if you don't like the way I'm running the pack then leave." He turned around and padded off towards his den wanting to be alone.
Hanata growled. "Who said I wasn't just now leaving..." She said, before running off into the darkness of the woods.
Hanata growled. "Who said I wasn't just now leaving..." She said, before running off into the darkness of the woods.
"Good ridance." Shadow huffed before wandering off to her own den. Morpheus laid down in his den and laid his head on his paws. He then decided to get away from the pack for a bit to clear his head. He got up and started to wander into the forest that surrounds the territory.
The little pup licked her father to awake him, since she was a little sick, she was hungry. Tori smiled, before feeling another pain in her stomach.
Rhyder woke up. "What is it Maddy?" He asked the small pup. . Morpheus continued on til he found a clearing. He laid down and started to think about rulling the pack.
Maddy sighed. "My tummy hurts and itches..." She said to him... - Tori sighed, closing her eyes again.